Live music and touring have been on lockdown and fans as well as artists are going through withdrawals. We wanted to come up with something fun to help bridge that distance between fans and artists right now. What we came up with is  something called The Lockdown Lowdown and it’s a Q&A session with fun questions for artists to answer. They’re not your typical interview questions, so it gives you a peek inside of the artists themselves. We’re big music nerds here at I’m Music Magazine and we love learning things like this about the artists that we love. We’re pretty sure that you’ll get a kick out of these, so we hope you’ll take the time to read them. In this installment, we spoke with V of Violent Idols.

How have you been doing during the pandemic and how are you spending your time? Have you been working on new music?

V: I’ve been focused and working on our next batch of music. With so much chaos and craziness going on in the world I find it’s important to channel the frustration and anger into productive endeavors. Even though our debut EP Idolatry just came out we are already almost finished another EP worth of material. I truly can’t wait though to be able to perform and do things like make new music videos with my friends once it is safe to do so.

5 albums that changed your life 

Nine Inch Nails – The Fragile

Nirvana – In Utero

Queens of the Stoneage – Songs For The Deaf

New Order – Power Corruption and Lies

Radiohead – OK Computer

5 artists that influenced you as a musician.

Trent Reznor, Marilyn Manson, Rob Zombie, David Byrne, Wes Borland

Your 5 favorite live albums

Talking Heads – Stop Making Sense

NIN – All That Could Have Been

Marilyn Manson – The Last Tour On Earth

Rob Zombie – The Zombie Horror Picture Show

Nirvana – MTV Unplugged

Life on the road; 5 of your craziest/funniest/scariest tour stories

Unfortunately due to Coronavirus we have not been able to tour yet but we hope to be able to get out there and play for the people by 2021. We have some very exciting plans coming together.

Your 5 favorite movies. 

Fight Club, Braveheart, Prometheus, Being John Malkovich and pretty much any David Lynch movie

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