Live music and touring have been on lockdown and fans as well as artists are going through withdrawals. We wanted to come up with something fun to help bridge that distance between fans and artists right now. What we came up with is  something called The Lockdown Lowdown and it’s a Q&A session with fun questions for artists to answer. They’re not your typical interview questions, so it gives you a peek inside of the artists themselves. We’re big music nerds here at I’m Music Magazine and we love learning things like this about the artists that we love. We’re pretty sure that you’ll get a kick out of these, so we hope you’ll take the time to read them. In this installment, we sat down for a fun Q&A session with Dig Two Graves.

1. How have you been doing during the pandemic and how are you spending your time?

Jaybee: I’ve been doing alright. Trying to work on this album I can’t seem to finish, and watching a lot of dumb tv shows.

Kenny: Still working unfortunately.

2. Have you been working on new music?

Jaybee: Absolutely! We’ve been in the writing process for our first full-length album for about a year now, and we’re starting to record it now.

3. 5 albums that changed your life

Jaybee: Bonito Generation – Kero Kero Bonito, Dogma – The Gazette, Mother – Luna Sea, Victory – Bethel Music, Dix Infernal – Moi Dix Mois. All for very different reasons.

Kenny: Nightmare – Avenged Sevenfold, Infinity on High – Fall Out Boy, Worlds Apart -Make Them Suffer, Mezmerize – System of a Down, Reckless and Relentless – Alexandria

4. 5 artists that influenced you as a musician.

Jaybee: The Gazette, Dir En Grey, Luna Sea, Kero Kero Bonito, and Malice Mizer

Kenny: Avenged Sevenfold, Veil Of Maya, Make Them Suffer, Thy Art is Murder, Asking Alexandria

5. Your 5 favorite live albums

Jaybee: I honestly don’t really listen to many. I like to watch X Japan’s Last Live from 1998 on Youtube pretty frequently though. I listen to a lot of live shows but mostly on Youtube.

Kenny: Don’t know if I have 5 favorites either. The one I’ve listened to the most is definitely Made in Japan – Deep Purple

6. Life on the road; 5 of the craziest/funniest/scariest tour stories

Jaybee: A couple hours into a 12 hour drive to Michigan, while on tour with Kerbera, I accidentally ate a really big, funny gummy bear. It made me super paranoid and I thought I was going to die even though of course I wasn’t. Turned out to be funny in the end, not so much during.

7. 5 favorite movies

Jaybee: Akira, Oldboy, The Wailing, Your Name, and Baby Driver.

Kenny: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Burn After Reading

8. Best and worst advice you ever heard.

Jaybee: I’m not sure. I really don’t like listening to advice of any kind. I’m just vibing.

9. Strangest thing you ever autographed

Jaybee: I signed a car with a silver sharpie one time. I’m assuming it rinsed off the first time it rained though.

10. If music was over today and you had to go into professional wrestling, what would your

wrestling name be?

Jaybee: I’m not sure, but I know for sure it’d be better than that punkass Junkyard Jonny.

Kenny: Terry

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