Artist Spotlight is a segment that we started to introduce our listeners to some deserving up and coming artists/bands. They have made an impact on us for all of the right reasons. We think they kick ass and we hope you do too! Today, we’d like to introduce you to Tennessee glitter punks The Foxies.   

With their uniquely feral brand of rock ‘n’ roll, The Foxies are a Nashville-based power trio built on thrashing punk energy and the hypnotic pageantry of electronic pop. Comprised of front woman Julia Lauren Bullock, guitarist Jake Ohlbaum and dummer Rob Bodley, they’re now emerging with the six-track EP, Growing Up Is Dead, produced by Alex and Sean Silverman and built on the strength of the band’s euphoric (but snarling) live shows. Preaching empowerment and sharp-toothed individuality at ear-splitting volume, tracks like the lead single, “Anti Socialite” stake a claim for the castaways of a world gone social-media mad, backing Bullock’s rabid songbird vocals with distorted guitars, pounding drums and scintillating splashes of synth. The project marks a new chapter for a band who proudly proclaim that growing up might be dead, but rock sure ain’t, having already released two cunning EPs (Oblivion, Battery) and a pair of stand-along singles (“Be Afraid Boy,” “Chewing Gum”), earning attention from Nashville’s Native magazine and Lightning 100 radio, inclusion on Volume 63 of NOW That’s What I Call Music and standout appearances at festivals like Sundance, South by Southwest and Bonnaroo. “I think rock’s just been sleeping for a bit,” Bullock says, “and it’s about time to wake the bear.” 

We recent sat down with the band for a quick Q&A session to learn a few fun facts about the band.

All superheroes and villains have an origin and a band is no different, minus the secret government experiments and radioactive spiders.  What’s the origin of The Foxies?

Julia Lauren Bullock/The Foxies: Well…one minute we were orbiting around space and then the next minute we landed on “Earth.” Crazy!

But really though, it took me years of playing in little garage bands, releasing solo music and being a gypsy, to find myself and from that, I found the inspiration to create The Foxies in a little bedroom in Phoenix, AZ circa 2014. 

What’s in a band’s name? It can be a cool story or sometimes just a random name picked. What about The Foxies?

Honestly, I had a horrible name picked out…”BodyTalk.” I thought it was sexy but everyone else thought we were an Olivia Newton John cover band. So after digging through some songs on Spotify for inspiration, I saw the word “Fox” in a song that I had saved. I started mumbling different ways to say the word… “Foxy, Foxay, The Foxies.” And then the rest is history.

Some artists know exactly when they knew music was their path. For some, it was when they saw The Beatles on Ed Sullivan or heard a classic album that really moved them.  Do you remember when you were bitten by the music bug?

Julia: I was 10 years old, fangirling over the Green Day specials on FUSE TV. I heard they were coming to my hometown (Charlotte, NC) and I begged my dad to take me. My mom dyed my hair bright red (to match the American Idiot colors) and dad drove me to see my first ever rock show. I was in awe. 

Rob Bodley/The Foxies: I was bit by the music bug pretty in my junior year of high school. I remember seeing my friends band “KAPO” play a bunch of Incubus and Deftones at the local grocery store. They were the coolest kids I’ve ever met. So I went home and played my drums for hours.  I’ve been practicing and playing out every chance I get since.

Jake Ohlbaum/The Foxies: There were always home videos of me playing the guitar aimlessly and singing, before I knew how to do either one.  I’ve wanted to do the same thing for as long as I remember, so I’m not sure there was one moment when I was hooked.  I do know the first time I saw Bruce Springsteen at a stadium in Philadelphia, I remember thinking there was no turning back.

Is there something in your music collection that might surprise even your most die-hard fans?

Julia: My obsession with Creed. Nobody knows if I am serious or not when I say I love them. And it will forever be a mystery.

Rob: Oh boy, I am super into Jazz. From Jazz legends to some modern jazz artists, its all great. I know a lot of musicians say that, but 9 times out of 10 when you get into my car I am listening to some era Jazz. I think some people would be surprised with that.

Jake: I GEEK out on classical music.  I love symphonies, string quartets, and nerding out on my favorite conductors.  They may not improvise too often, but orchestras are the tightest musicians in the world.

If you could play any character in any movie or television show, who would you want to be?

Julia: I would love to play Catwoman. She’s a badass! She whips it. She kicks it. She cuts it. She’s basically a human bop it. 

Rob: This is tough. There are so many great characters. If I had to choose just one though, it would definitely Luke Skywalker. I mean, he is a legend!

Jake: I want to be on the set of The Office just once.  Just an extra for a day or two would be unbelievable.  Also, put me on as the next Bond villain PLEASE.