Artist Spotlight is a segment that we started to introduce our listeners to some deserving up and coming artists/ bands. They have made an impact on us for all of the right reasons. We think they kick ass and we hope you do too! Today, we’d like to introduce you to modern rockers with a twist The Spider Accomplice. 

The Los Angeles based duo The Spider AccompliceArno Nurmisto (Guitars, Vocals) and VK Lynne (Vocals, Lyrics) has racked up 12 LA Music Critics’ Awards over the last 4 years, making them LAMC’s most-awarded band in history. With their unique sound and striking visual presence, they have become a name to know in modern rock.

A band that loves to travel, they have toured the Midwest with black metal band White Empress, and the southwest with symphonic band, Insatia. In 2018, they played the LIFA Festival in CDMX and were astounded by the love they received from the Latin American audience. Their trilogy of EP’s ,Los Angeles: The Trap, The Abduction, and the Dichotomy features a diverse collection of songs, ranging from ballads to bangers, and they show no signs of confining themselves to either. A prolific pair, they are currently working on recording the mountain of new material they’ve created and shooting video to accompany the new offerings. 

VK Lynne is a prolific and diverse BMI songwriter, published author of poetry, scripts, and prose, actor, and alternative model. Current projects include: frontwoman and songwriter of The Spider Accomplice, co-host of YouTube show ‘Drunk Grammar’ and co-author of sci-fi comedy novel ‘A Pook is Born’

We recently sat down with frontwoman VK Lynne and had a short, but fun Q&A session.

Every super hero and villain has an origin and a band is not different. Well, minus the radioactive spiders and secret government experiment. What’s the origin of The Spider Accomplice?

VK Lynne/The Spider Accomplice: I had the idea for the name well before I had the band. I wrote this poem, and it became the genesis:

“The Spider

A black box inside my head

With corners, angles…mysteries I can’t bring to light alone.

Pests swarm: flies of discontent, gnats of distraction, beetles and wasps of adversity.

Descends the spider.

Out of the shadows, she soundlessly spins-

This is her time, her feast-

Silvered strands form patterns and shapes,

Encloak the encroachers,

Beautify the struggle.

When all is done, she surveys her work,

And with the most elegant bite to my heart

Brings a drop to her fangs- then retreats.

And I sing.

Cobwebs cleared, darkness again,

In the ineffable…

She waits.”

What’s in a name? Sometimes a band’s name has a story behind & sometimes it’s something that sounded cool. What about The Spider Accomplice?

I’m a big fan of literature, and my favorite author is Vladimir Nabokov. At the time I wrote the poem, I was also reading his autobiography, and this quote jumped out at me:

“I have been my own accomplice, who knows too much, and therefore is dangerous.” ~Vladimir Nabokov

That really resonated with me, because the tiny brain spider in my head sometimes feels like she’s going to eventually end me with too much poison

But the spider in mythology represents female creativity, and that tied it all together for me. It was the third sign that my next project needed to be called The Spider Accomplice!

You’re booking a tour that you’re on & you can bring along any 4 bands. Who would you choose?

Two of my closest friends are the front women for the first ones, Jaded Star from Greece and Helion Prime from the US. Both are insanely talented and entertaining, so overall, touring with them would be a dream! Then Stitched Up Heart and Halestorm, which are two bands I find inspiring and would love to learn from on the road.

Strangest thing that you’ve ever been asked to autograph?

When I played Metal Female Voices Fest in Belgium, a very polite man came up and presented me with his inner thigh and a pen. I told him as long as he promised NOT TO MOVE, I would sign!

What was your favorite cartoon as a kid?

It will come as no surprise, but….The Pink Panther. 😉