Artist Spotlight is a segment that we started to introduce our listeners to some deserving up and coming artists/ bands. They have made an impact on us for all of the right reasons. We think they kick ass and we hope you do too! Today, we’d like to shine the spotlight on Bianx! 

Bianx started writing songs very early on in childhood. She officially started guitar lessons at 11 years old and later on picked up the bass. One fateful Halloween night when she was 21, she met Diggy Kat (frontman and mastermind behind Vufcup) at a punk show. They became fast friends and started working on music together. Jamming out acoustic style resulted in the band The Mercury Mars Unit. MMU disappeared suddenly one day in a cloud of purple smoke and it is suspected that the band’s music is hidden somewhere on the harsh terrains of the planet Mars. Shortly after, Diggy Kat focused on Vufcup and asked Bianx to officially join! Bianx has been part of the Vufcup magic ever since and enjoys writing, performing and conjuring sparkling singing gnomes in the name of music. 

Some people know it’s when they hear a classic album or see someone perform. Do you know when you were bitten by the music bug and knew this was your path?

I’ve always loved music since I was a toddler. I was listening to David Bowie since I could talk. I bought the Beatles Magical Mystery Tour on tape at a thrift store when I was super little. It didn’t come with a cover so I drew one myself and played it over and over on a pink and black Walkman. In the 4th grade I was the only kid with Depeche Mode on the cover of my school folder. I was officially bitten by the music bug around 11 when I first heard Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness. The Smashing Pumpkins music became my life for a while, saving me from depression and anxiety and giving me so much inspiration (even though Billy Corgan is one of the worst human beings on the planet). It was then at 11 years old, I decided music was my passion and I would one day become a rock star. My parents got me guitar lessons that year and I’ve been writing songs ever since then. 

Do you write when inspiration hits or do you sit down with the purpose of writing? Maybe both?

Definitely both. If I’m by myself then I write only when the inspiration hits me. With Vufcup, Diggy Kat and I love to sit down for writing sessions together and it’s so much fun to let our creativity flow and create really unique sounds.  

Growing up, were you the class clown or the ham wanting to be the center of attention? Maybe you were the shy introvert? 

In elementary school I was definitely a nerd and was always on the honor roll. I wasn’t very popular and even spent lunch hours helping file papers at the front office just to get away from bullies. The office ladies were always nice to me.

If you could pick any musician (dead or alive) to sit down with and have a drink and chat, who would it be?

D’arcy Wretzky-Brown (is that still her last name?) Former bassist of the Smashing Pumpkins. I would want to hear all about her life and how brave she was to survive the abuse that Billy Corgan put her through and what it was like to jam with Jimmy Chamberlin and James Iha. 

If a genie granted you 3 wishes, what would you wish for? No, you can’t wish for more wishes.

1. I would wish for my children to have the most wonderful lives filled with only happiness, perfect health and all the love in the world. 
2. I would wish for humanity to wake up and be kind to the earth and heal our planet. 
3. I would wish for peace on earth which would result in housing and health care for everyone, the end of world hunger and no more war. 

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