Artist Spotlight is a segment that we started to introduce our listeners to some deserving up and coming artists/bands. They have made an impact on us for all of the right reasons. We think they kick ass and we hope you do too! Today, we’d like to shine the spotlight on St. Louis Rap Rockers Discrepancies!  

Discrepancies is a New wave of Rap Rock coming from St. Louis. We sat down with Antonio Metcalf of Discrepancies for a short, but fun Q & A session!

Every superhero or villain has an origin and a band is no different minus the radioactive spiders and secret government experiments. What is the origin of Discrepancies?

Well me and our current bass player Garrett worked together. I had been rapping and performing for a few years now, and Garrett was in a band that recently split. We talked about collaborating and one day we all got together and created a rough demo called “Get Hype”. The rest is history. 

Band names can have a meaning or it can be a name pulled out of a hat. What’s the story behind Discrepancies?

We came up with the name Discrepancies because we all kinda came from different walks of life. So many different styles and experiences that aren’t supposed to be able to work together. But not only did it work, we quickly grew a fanbase and hit the ground running.

What are you currently working on?

We’re currently releasing singles, working on demos for the next project and hitting the road more and more. We just got back from a run with Until I Wake, Catch Your Breath and Dark Devine. We’ll be heading back out soon with Outline in Color and VRSTY. 

Are you a good cook? What’s your best dish to prepare?
I’m the best damn cook lol. Some of my best dishes would be Chili, Catfish fillets, Salmon croquettes.

What are your 5 favorite movies?
This is tough but I’ll go with Pandorum, The entire Rush Hour Franchise, Tropic Thunder, Life, Friday

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