Artist Spotlight is a segment that we started to introduce our listeners to some deserving up and coming artists/ bands. They have made an impact on us for all of the right reasons. We think they kick ass and we hope you do too! Today, we’d like to shine the spotlight on the indie pop/rock band Sage Graye!  

In 2021, Sage Graye became a reality for founding member and lead singer, Devin. Their first single titled “seventy-five” builds with the themes of family relations, friendship, and coming of age. With a distinct musical vision and unique sonorous singing style, Devin continued to lead the Sage Graye project onto bigger horizons. Over the next year, the dream grew from a single song to an EP titled Street Lamps recorded and produced at the Mythic Panda studio and record label. This musical project offers a distinct style due to the fact that an Indie vocalist paired up with Blues and Metal musicians to craft the next major project at local recording studio, Mythic Panda. 

Sage Graye continues to grow and expand at an organic rate. Day in and day out, the musicians spend hours writing and recording new music in thriving Dallas, TX. Each baby step along the way brings the members to a deeper understanding of what the nature of their musical endeavor truly entails. Our primary focus these days is more focused songwriting, consistent practice, and gigging for our fans.

We sat down with the band for a short, but fun Q & A session!

Every superhero or villain has an origin and a band is no different minus the radioactive spiders and secret government experiments. What is the origin of (insert band name) If this is a singer and not a band, tell us the origin of how you got into music? 

 Back in 2021, Devin Foster met up with two other local musicians to form a brand new indie song ‘Seventy Five’ – from here Devin adopted the band name Sage Graye and put together a group of drastically different musicians to help her realize a couple of songs she had written in her car that summer. Nicole (rhythm guitar) had gone to high school with Devin but they never met until after graduation, Milton (drums) and Caleb (bass) both work at the recording studio that Devin was hired at, and Patrick (lead guitar) was stolen from a cover band that we stumbled across playing at a bar. I guess you could say we’re a family band – except none of us are related and we’re more like friends.

Band names can have a meaning or it can be a name pulled out of a hat. What’s the story behind Sage Graye?

Sage Graye was what our lead singer, Devin, called the color of the walls from her childhood bedroom as a kid. It seems simple, but no other name seemed to fit the band as well as Sage Graye. Our music stems from the library of Indie influences which takes a passive yet curious look at the many questions posed by our modern world. We want our fans to become curious about what more the band name could mean for them! And our lead singer is not named Sage. 

What are you currently working on? 

We are currently in the recording process for our next album. We are experimenting with a ton of different instruments for this project, such as trumpets, violins, and cellos – instruments that you normally wouldn’t expect to hear in an indie pop rock band! We also decided to put a heavier emphasis on driving drum and bass lines – our bassist, Caleb, and drummer, Milton, both played in metal bands about ten years ago and we realized it would be a shame not to utilize their talents from the metal style. 

Are each of you good cooks? What are your best dishes to prepare?

Most of the band members are completely useless in the kitchen – we can’t have it all, I guess. Our drummer, Milton, CLAIMS to make a mean barbeque, however, none of the other bandmates can back up this statement as he still has not invited us over to his house for a cookout. We are hoping this article is good enough motivation for Milton to finally let us come crash his place and try his esteemed BBQ. Caleb also resents the notion that he cannot cook.

Time to confess! Who was your first celebrity crush?

Our lead singer, Devin, was met with much backlash from the rest of the band when she so enthusiastically said Simba from the Lion King. Our lead guitarist, Patrick, said that Audrey Hepburn “is just darling” while our rhythm guitarist, Nicole,  said that the Jonas Brothers are absolute dreamboats. Caleb, our bassist, has a mancrush on Nick Offerman. All in all, Sage Graye has taste, and Simba is definitely the hottest of the celebrity crushes. 

Connect with Sage Graye Online:

IG: @sagegraye



Tiktok: sagegraye