On February 21, 2020, Framing Hanley released Envy, their first full length album in six years. That is quite a long time in between albums. What I can tell you, is that the wait is absolutely worth it. This is by far one amazing record filled with big hooks, catchy melodies, and introspective lyrics. I have had Envy on repeat for some time now, and with each listen it gets better. 

Opening up the album is the dark and eerie, “Say You Ever.” Clocking in at just under two minutes, the track is just a prelude of what is to come. Vocalist, Kenneth Dixon sings beautifully with so much emotion and restraint. 

“Bubbles” follows up nearly immediately after previous song with an infectious, chugging guitar line that segues into a mid-tempo and moody rocker with a chorus that will instantly crawl its way into your brain. Kenneth (Nixon) really showcases his versatility as he transitions from the quiet melodies to the angst riddled screams. 

“Misery” is definitely a personal favorite. Great dark and moody rocker that had me singing right after the first listen.

“Forgiveness is an Art” takes on more of an aggressive vibe while still maintaining the melodic elements that make Framing Hanley’s music stand apart. You can really feel the anger and spite in the words and how they are sung. Definitely a track that most everyone can relate to. The background gang vocals add a nice touch in the chorus.

“Puzzle Pieces” is one of three singles released in anticipation of the album’s release. I am reminded of bands like Story of the Year and even Linkin Park when listening to this. It really is a gorgeous track that speaks of from a dark place. Quoting the song, “I don’t want to be another puzzle piece, I don’t want to be part of your puzzle. “ The electronic elements really help to draw out the raw emotion of the song. 

“Carousel” is a killer rocker with driving rhythm and a solid bottom end groove. This track will go over well with the fans, as the chorus is soaring and uplifting.

“Throwing Knives” is another one of the three singles that I mentioned were released in anticipation of the album. This one has more of a ballad feeling in the beginning. At the 0:58 mark, the song kicks in and both instrumentation and emotions take over. 

“Counterfeit” is simply just an amazing modern rock track that belongs on the airwaves like NOW! That chorus just knocks it out of the park. I got chills listening to it. Guaranteed, you will have this one on repeat. 

“Baggage Claim” closes out the album, and is the last of the three singles released. This one pulls at the heart strings and punches you in the gut, figuratively of course. Borrowing an excerpt from the chorus, “If when I wake, you have left me, you’ll wish you had never met me.” POWERFUL!!!!!

With the release of EnvyFraming Hanley have proven themselves to be a band that can stand with the best of them. They are a lot more than the band that covered “Lollipop”, which by the way is an amazing cover. The music speaks from the heart to the soul, and hits every emotion on the head. Go out and get a copy of Envy when it drops on February 21st.

Rating: 8/10 Stars

I’m Music Magazine Writer Jason “Supes” Mesa


