Kirra released their third album, Redefine (Eclipse)  and the Oklahoma City rockers have packed a whopping 17 tracks into this new offering. 

Redefine opens up with a brief instrumental entitled “Descent” before launching into the first full track, “Pull You Out.” Opening with solid bass groove and dirty riffing, the song immediately grabs your attention. What keeps your attention is that thick, gritty voice of vocalist, Gabriel Parson. 

“Brooding” is exactly what it says it is. Beautiful, dark brooding instrumental laid over a spoken word track and combined with tribal like drumming. 

“The Ideal” just further showcases the versatility in the voice of Gabriel (Parson). Slower in tempo, musically, however, the emotional charge is off the charts. 

“Blind” gets things rocking again with a slinky guitar riff and some venomous spoken word stylings. 

“Ascent” is another great instrumental piece that segues into the album’s first single, “Caving In.” The band made a wise choice in making this the first single. It showcases the band’s passion and heart that they put into their music. 

Loving the big funk bass groove opening of “Passageway” just before the guitar joins in and makes for an all-out rocking groove fest. The vocals are noticeably grittier, as the song deals with toxic people and relationships. Will be adding this to my soundtrack for the new year ahead!

Further blending melody and madness, “Shattered” follows in the same footsteps as the first single, “Caving In.” The angst and despair in the lyrics and vocals is intoxicating to say the least. Beautiful guitar leads make this a contender for another modern hard rock radio hit. 

Closing out the album is “Potential.” Big, thunderous opening riff that segues into this really cool picking passage before slamming into the meat and potatoes of the song. Everything that is great about this band is fully represented, and it is the perfect choice to bring this epic album across the finish line. 

Redefine is most aptly titled. I say this because Kirra is, in my opinion, redefining the game. Just when you think a song is going to go one way, they throw you a curveball and add some cool instrumental lead or spoken word piece. Solid offering from these Oklahoma City boys! Make sure to follow Kirra on all your social media platforms and grab a copy of Redefine.

Rating: 8/10 Stars.

I’m Music Magazine Writer Jason “Supes” Mesa