Salt Lake City’s own A Lost Asylum have released their self-titled debut album, A Lost Asylum through Pavement Entertainment. The band brings it with monster riffs, precision tight rhythm section, and a triple vocal attack! Utilizing face-melting screams and gorgeous, melodic vocals, A Lost Asylum is hellbent on delivering their brand of emotionally charged music to the world.

Straight out of the gate, the band delivers the heavy with “Whore! No More!” The guitar team of Gil Menchaca and Dante Long serve up killer in-your-face riffs and lead the way for lead vocalist, Holly Watson to just come in and destroy!!! Alternating vicious growls with angelic, clean leads, Holly makes her presence known immediately! 

“Call of the Void 2” has more of a traditional metal edge with amazing groove and some killer double bass drum action. 

“Broken Beyond Repair” is an intense, high energy rocker that features an appearance from guest vocalist JT Tollas of the band Famous Last Words. The vocal interaction between JT (Tollas) and Holly (Watson) really enhances the beauty of the entire song.

 “Misery” showcases a much different side of the band. While they tone down musically, the most definitely turn up the emotion. Starting with only guitar and vocal, the song tugs at your heartstrings until the 2:38 mark. That is when the rest of the band comes in hard to slam that proverbial exclamation point on an incredible track. 

Closing the album is the band’s first official single, “Safe in Pieces.” From what I gather, the song is about heartache and feeling broken, only to find someone who puts you back together and makes you feel loved again. It really is a powerful track that virtually everyone can relate to.

Kudos to A Lost Asylum on creating an album that delivers the goods in so many ways. Their music speaks to your mind and to your heart. I know that they are a relatively new band on the scene, but give them a couple more albums and I think they will surely make a name for themselves. 

Rating: 8/10 Stars.

I’m Music Magazine Writer Jason “Supes” Mesa