There’s no doubt that 2020 has been a tough year for everyone. It’s especially taken a toll on hard rock legend, Clint Lowery. Not only is he facing the same uncertainties about his career as everyone in the music business, but he also lost his mother. So, Clint decided to process his emotions in the most effective way that he knows how, by recording music. Clint surprised his fans with the release of his new EP, fittingly titled Grief & Distance, this past Friday, June 12th. Coming on the heels of his highly regarded debut solo album God Bless The Renegades, it’s safe to say that there are many in the rock community that are very excited to see what is next. 

The EP includes three brand new songs as well as two acoustic re-workings of songs from God Bless the Renegades. The first song, titled “Distance,” definitely reflects a darker side of Clint. There are even parts of the song that are reminiscent of early Nine Inch Nails. The addition of the keyboard serves to paint an ominous and gloomy picture. Clint was clearly working through some of his pain and it really comes through in this track. 

The next song “Haunted,” really lives up to its title as the vibe of the song is nothing less than haunting. The electronic elements are once again a welcome addition to the song, taking the musical landscape in a noticeably darker direction. Lyrically, the song seems to directly address the death of his mother. The emotion in his voice can be felt with every note. 

The last of the brand new tracks is “I’m Wrong.” Lyrically, this song sees Clint dealing with feelings of his own mortality. The song is deeply personal and self-reflective and musically one of the most beautiful compositions that Clint has offered us in his career. 

In addition to the three brand new tracks, Clint also revisited the songs “What’s The Matter” and “Kings” from his debut album with acoustic versions. These particular songs fit the overall soundscape and theme of this EP perfectly and definitely help tie the effort together.

While this EP certainly lacks the heaviness of its predecessor, Clint’s goal with this EP was obviously very different. Grief and Distance was clearly used as a therapy session for Clint and will likely serve the same purpose in many fans’ lives for years to come.  

I’m Music Magazine Writer Jason Jarvis

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