On Friday May 26th Attila, Enox and Wolves of Oz performed at Hop Springs Beer Park in Murfreesboro, TN. As a fan of Attila since the Myspace days I was super excited to finally get to see them perform and they did not disappoint.Attila hailing from Atlanta, GA gave us a full night of ruckus as they brought the house down with heavy. I had never heard Enox before but have quickly added them to my playlist as they had that special sound that I’ve been missing out on.
Wolves of Oz, my long time friends from Knoxville, opened up the show and were the ones who invited me out to check out their new sound. I’ve never been more proud! Hop Springs Beer Park was an excellent venue and had a very cool indoor outdoor set up. If you need your party metal fix Attila has everything you need and more, looks like they are about to head overseas for a European tour but I know for sure they will be back in the states with more energy than ever.

Review & Photos: I’m Music magazine Photographer/Writer Kris Cagle