Lines of Loyalty have the opening slot on the Machine Killer Tour headlined by Static-X and Sevendust with support from DOPE. The tour stopped in Greensboro, North Carolina on October 13, 2023 at a damn near capacity sold-out Piedmont Hall. An opening slot can be challenging because it means that people are still coming into the venues when you hit the stage. It also means that you have a pretty passionate audience who have already claimed their spots down front by waiting in line for a very long time, even up to hours ahead of when the doors open. We always cover all of the bands on a bill even if it’s a band that we’re not familiar with. I will admit that I was not familiar with Lines of Loyalty, but to be chosen for a tour like this means that they haave to be pretty good, right? Their space on the stage was limited aqnd a bit tight due to other bands’ equipment set up behind them. The guys hit the stage with two banners proudly displayed behind them containing their logo and album artwork. For a three piece band, these guys really put out a lot of energy. Lead singer Glenn (Nubz) Morrison did a great job communicating with the crowd and drawing them into the show early. The guy has a great live voice that really conveys the emotion in their songs. As for the songs, they were the type that immediately get inside of your head and you find yourself singing parts of them after your first listen. Diverse in lyrical content as well as their style, these songs showed a lot of depth for a band with just one album out. Bassist Redo Ianni doesn’t just stand there and play the bass; it’s as if it becomes another appendage attached to his body. The guy is very dynamic in his playing and adds a flare to his style that you don’t see too much of today Brayden Pike is a freaking beast! I asked him after their set how many sticks he broke during the performance. He told he that he managed not to break any, but he did bust his fingers to the point that several were bleeding. That’s f’n rock and roll man! Blood, sweat and tears! The only tears, if there were any, were tears of joy from absolutely killing it in front of a packed house. They won the audience over quickly and had them singing, fist pumping and cheering for more! As soon as their set was over, fans rushed to their merch booth and bought up their physical CDs, large prints and t-shirts. The guys soon made their way and signed anything that the fans had and took pictures with them as well. They had great one on one interaction with the fans and made quite a few memories for so many of them. If these guys come anywhere close to you, regardless of who they may be with, get a ticket and see them live. If you’re like me and not familiar with them, you’ll be a fan within a song or two. Support them and buy their album Hurts To Be Human, which was produced by the red hot Chris Dawson.

Review & pix: I’m Music Magazine Owner/Editor Johnny Price

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