No More Blue Tomorrows from Nashua, NH recently released their debut album and it is a fantastic listen all around. There is a special satisfaction in finding and reviewing an album from a regional band, especially one as complex and substantial as this trio. Self-described as a “New Hampshire Alternative Folk Rock Band,” when first listening to this full-length album, I heard so many influences I wasn’t sure how to articulate their sound, but then realized that’s what makes this layered collection of music so fun and interesting. Each song has its own magic with a combination of individual styles that offers a musical formula that is uniquely Coburn, Lombard and Davis. 

The lyrics are catchy and poignant at the same time and every song has a signature blend of rock, rockabilly, country pop and punk influences. You’ll hear a symphony of sounds including pedal steel guitar, cello and violin, the last two which feature prominently on the lost-love ballad “If You’re Around.”

The songs conjure the band’s collective experiences and emotions ranging from sadness to bliss, reflection to irreverence, but all delivered with feel-good energy that ensures you listen to the end.

Songs like the upbeat and energy-boosting “Chaperone” give the listener the irreverence of punk (think early Green Day) with lyrics that we can all relate to as we try to adult when the “punk” of the inner child is strong. The jaunty and fun “As Real as A Heart attack” features clever lyrics and an unstopping energy that grabs you and keeps you hooked until the end.

In contrast, when you travel down the road of reflection by way of “27 minutes” you’ll remember how the depth of good lyrics can take you away as fast as the music.

NMBT features:
Connor Coburn – words/guitar
Zak Lombard – guitar/words
Peter Owen Davis – drums

The band is currently touring New England and you can find dates on their dedicated Facebook page.

No More Blue Tomorrows is out now and can be yours to stream when you head here. For the latest news and tour information, follow them across their social channels by clicking here.

I’m Music Magazine Contributing Writer Chandra Stewart

Connect with No More Blue Tomorrows:

No More Blue Tomorrows | Spotify


No More Blue Tomorrows (@nomorebluetomorrows_) • Instagram photos and videos