Live music and touring are on lockdown right now and fans as well as artists are going through withdrawals. We wanted to come up with something fun to help bridge that distance between fans and artists right now. What we came up with is  something called The Lockdown Lowdown and it’s a Q&A session with fun questions for artists to answer. They’re not your typical interview questions, so it gives you a peek inside of the artists themselves. We’re big music nerds here at I’m Music Magazine and we love learning things like this about the artists that we love. We’re pretty sure that you’ll get a kick out of these, so we hope you’ll take the time to read them. In this installment, we spoke with Psycle lead guitarist Joe Nicolazzo.   

 How have you been doing during the pandemic and how are you spending your time?

Joe Nicolazzo/Psycle: I’ve been dealing with it the best I can, keeping in touch with friends and family as much as possible, jamming the songs, and writing some new riffs from time to time..  as well as practicing how to do jump spinning backflips off the stage and into the crowd safely with a Gibson SG around my neck for our next show.

Have you been working on new music?

Definitely, I know the guys all have some great material to share once we all start hitting rehearsal space again soon! It’s always very exciting to get any little riff, or song idea from any of us and just start jamming away at it, then the next thing we know it’s “Did we just
create a monster??”

What are five albums that have changed your life?

The Beatles, I had so many of them as a kid I can’t remember which one
Toys In The Attic
Led Zeppelin 
Black Sabbath 
Ozzy Osbourne 
Blizzard Of Ozz

Name five artists that have influenced you as a musician.

Randy Rhoads
Leslie West
Stevie Ray Vaughn
John Entwhistle
John Bonham

What are your five favorite live albums?

Lynyrd Skynyrd  One More From The Road
Deep Purple Made In Japan
The Ozzy Live Album from the 30 Years After The Blizzard boxset
Led Zeppelin How The West Was Won
Chicago Live At Tanglewood 1970  (might not be an “official release”)

Life on the road; what are five of your craziest/funniest/scariest tour stories?

Every time Seth ends up driving the van there’s usually a lifetime’s worth of insanity that has ensued that night in particular.  To choose only five is going to take a while to narrow down.

What are your five favorite movies?

Full Metal Jacket
Star Wars
Blow (the one about the cocaine dealer)
The Shining

What’s the best and worst advice you ever heard?

Best: If anyone tries to take your money you breaka their jaw.
Worst: You should double down; so what if he has an ace.

What’s the strangest thing you ever autographed?

An urn  just kidding…..maybe.

If music was over today and you had to go into professional wrestling, what would your wrestling name be?

Gargoyle Boom Boom Hellfire SmashAlot