As a line of storms that devastated several states to the west, headed into Charlotte, NC, people lined up outside the Spectrum Center in Uptown Charlotte on December 11. Christmas favorites Trans-Siberian Orchestra were in town, celebrating the 25th Anniversary of their first studio release, Christmas Eve and Other Stories. 

The show started out with a donation of over $16,000 to the Salvation Army. A portion of all ticket sales went to The Salvation Army of Greater Charlotte, to help with the many programs they run. Then, a feast for the senses began! Having been a fan for years, I am sad to say I’d  never had the chance to see TSO before. I knew I was in for a treat from hearing my sister’s experiences!

In celebrating their first release, they performed Christmas Eve and Other Stories, in it’s entirety. This album has many of TSO’s best known songs, and they centered the performance around the Old City Bar, the centerpiece of the song that bears the same name. A storyteller narrated the journey of an angel through the songs.  His voice created an atmosphere of wonder.  As a  beautiful musical tapestry weaved itself with light and song. I couldn’t help but smile, and remember how I felt as a child on a White Christmas, as I looked up in amazement as glittering “snow” and mist fell down over the crowd during “First Snow”. The pyro during “Christmas/ Sarajevo” was perfect for the composition lamenting the destruction of Sarajevo, as it shot across backgrounds. All of the imagery, pyro, and lighting were choreographed to perfection. All of these elements worked together to produce an immersive atmosphere that encompassed the entire arena.

That tapestry was made even better with the sheer excitement and fantastic stage presence of the musicians. It was obvious they were enjoying themselves, encouraging the crowd to join in their excitement! Platforms that came out across the audience at various times, enhanced the interaction, as fans vocalized their delight.

The entire show, exceeding two hours, celebrated the accomplishments of a band grown from an idea, tossed about by composer / producer Paul O’Neill. O’Neill passed away in 2017, and his memory was honored towards the end of the show by band members who truly missed him. He wanted to “…create a progressive rock band that would push the boundaries (of the genre) further than any group before…Way, way further.” (quote from I’d say they accomplished that goal, and then some. 

There are still tickets available for shows across the U.S. Don’t be like me and wait forever to see them. Go. Now. Get your tickets, and take the journey to find some hope. 

“Every light can be a star, just depends on where you are. And the distance that you’re looking, past the places that you’ve been.” – The First Noel, from Christmas Eve and Other Stories

Cellphone pix (nobody was credentialed to shoot the band) and review by I’m Music Magazine Photographer/Writer Michele Hancock