An ant invasion hit Greensboro, North Carolina September 25 and not the kind that Raid can get rid of. Adam Ant and his band made a stop in Greensboro at the beautiful Carolina Theatre and it was a bit of a Flashback Friday, but on a Wednesday. Lots of people in attendance looked as if they had just stepped out of an Adam Ant music video. It created a great vibe well before Adam hit the stage. For those not in the know, this show is part of Adam’s Friend or Foe Tour where he performs his Friend or Foe album in its entirety. Now, shall we take a look at the show?

I dig it when a band performs an album in its entirety because it gives you a chance to hear songs that you would normally never hear in concert and this show was exception. Adam hit the stage at 9:00 and the crowd erupted. The show kicked off with the title track from Friend of Foe and Adam hit the stage with a fury of energy. He has his classic “ant moves” as I call them when he dances or prances all around the stage and they were in abundance at this show. He had more energy than a two year old that snuck into the soda in the fridge.

From there, the tracks began to flow in rapid fire with very little chatter between each one. “Something Girls,” “Place in the country,” “Desperate, But Not Serious” and so forth. The album performed in its entirety was a cool thing to hear, but after it was finished, the real meat and potatoes (at least to me) was launched. “Dog Eat Dog” kicked off the set and it electrified the already charged crowd even further. Just as with the delivery of the Friend of Foe album, he hit you with song after song with very little time to recover from one without being hit another. I loved the pace of the show as the tempo never allowed it enough breathing room to drag on like some artists do.

“Dog Eat Dog,” “Car Trouble,” “Zerox Machine,” “Stand and Deliver” and so many other Ant classics were delivered to us with each one sounding amazing. The entire setlist is included below for inquiring minds. Overall, it was a kick-ass show with Adam looking and sounding amazing. We have to give props to the band that were about as tight as a band can be.

It was such a cool show! Great songs that you don’t get to hear, Adam was full of energy, the crowd was full of energy and dancing the entire time and fun was had by all in attendance. I did not hear one bad thing from those in attendance. Once this entire tour cycle is complete, it makes me wonder what he might have up his sleeve for his next visit to the states. We shall wait and see! Until then, keep cranking the ant music true believers!

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Review and photos by I’m Music Magazine Owner/Editor Johnny Price