Ever heard of Pirate Metal? Well, if not you’re certainly in for a treat. The boys in Alestorm have been captivating audiences with their unique blend of power metal, folk metal, and all out silliness since 2004. The band just released their sixth studio album on May 29th and if you haven’t come aboard yet, I strongly recommend you set sail with Christopher Bowes and his band of drunken, partying pirates.

The band kick off the album with the song “Treasure Chest Part Quest.” If this is your first venture into the world of Alestorm,then I recommend you strap on your life vest because you’re in for one hell of an adventure. This song embodies everything that the band have stood for throughout their career, pirate quests, getting wasted, partying, and saving the day, all the way infecting your ears with some quality heavy metal. “We’re only here to have fun, get drunk, and make loads of money, cause nothing else matters to me” belts out singer, Christopher Bowes.

From here we are treated to the song “Fannybaws.” This song tells the epic tale of a legendary pirate named Fannybaws and his many exploits. The keytar adds an element of warmth and familiarity to this song. It almost feels like you’re sitting around a fire with your crazy uncle as he tells you the unbelievable tale of his life as part of a pirate crew. If you’re not completely sucked into the world of fantasy, you will be after the song “Chomp Chomp.” Opening up with an epic thrash metal riff, this song really showcases the musical talent of the band. While the song itself tells the tale of a dangerous, man-eating gator, the music is as metal as it gets, complete with a glass shattering guitar solo.

However, be careful not to take the guys too seriously. As the next track is a true pirate, partying, anthem. The song “Tortuga” will have even the most modest listener bobbing their head and contemplating joining a pirate crew to search for treasure. The fun continues with the song “Zombies Ate My Pirate Ship.” Can you think of anything more mind-blowing than a showdown between pirates and zombies? Alestorm do an extraordinary job painting a picture of what this battle would be like.

The song “Call of the Waves,” while another silly pirate anthem on the surface, actually has a very inspiring message about not letting a special moment pass you by. It’s a call to arms for anyone that is standing idly by while their life passes them by. 

For an album that is full of shining and entertaining moments, the standout song is definitely “Pirate Metal Drinking Crew.” This song is sure to be a crowd anthem at live shows going forward. For a band that have built their career on fun singalongs, this one is sure to become a fan favorite. “We are the pirate metal drinking crew, we think you’re dumb and we hate you too!” I can already hear it being sang loudly from the Alestorm fan base, clad in traditional pirate garb. 

Admittedly, Alestorm is an acquired taste but I highly recommend that you all work on acquiring this taste ASAP. You won’t regret it. Few bands have ever brought such an element of fun, silliness, and surprisingly, unity, to metal as these guys. If nothing else, it’s at least worth an hour of your time to check it out. Who knows? You may even find yourself wearing an eyepatch to the next music festival. 

I’m Music Magazine Writer Jason Jarvis