Connecticut metal act Currents burst onto the metal scene with their debut album, The Place I Feel Safest, in 2017. With their blistering blend of Metalcore and Djent, the guys made an impact on the metal scene touring alongside other Djent acts such as Within the Ruins and Northlane. The band are back now with their second full length album. Due to be released on June 5th, the band are clearly looking to set themselves apart and standout in a genre that’s getting a bit crowded. With their new album The Way It Ends, they have accomplished just that. 

The album opens up with the short intro track “It Was Never There” and immediately you know that you’re in for something different on this album as vocalist Brian Willie passionately screams over a beautifully executed keyboard progression. After this, we get into “A Flag to Wave” which builds on the intensity of the first track. While the crisp and clean Djent elements are still there, this song is definitely rooted in thrash metal. Of course, no Currents song is complete without the melodic chorus. However, on this track, the vocals are a little less straight forward in their delivery. Instead, we see Brian seamlessly pivot from super clean vocals to much more aggressive in style. To bring the track home, we are treated to an absolutely brutal breakdown at the three-minute mark which is sure to provoke many a mosh-pit melee when performed live.

The next track “Poverty of Self” starts out with one of the heaviest moments from the band. This song definitely brings in the band’s death-metal influences. This track relentlessly pummels the listener and doesn’t let up for the full three and a half minutes. The band’s choice not to include clean vocals on this track pays dividends here as the song gets progressively heavier as it goes on. By the end, the band have blended elements of Djent, Thrash, and Death metal. The band continue to display their versatility with the next song “Monsters.” This song is the closest thing you’ll hear to a ballad from a band like Currents. The almost pop-like vocals at the start of the track are sure to appeal to a larger audience and maybe score the band some new fans. Don’t let the beginning fool you though, the band didn’t sacrifice any heaviness or intensity here. This song even boasts a guitar solo that would even make Lee Mckinney (Born of Osiris) stand up and take notice.

On “Kill the Ache” the band take another turn. Here we find Brian screaming over the slow melodies in the verse and doing clean vocals over the heavier guitars deviating from the cookie cutter formula used by so many metalcore bands. The next song, “Let Me Leave” continues down a more melodic path. This atmospheric track could be sandwiched in the middle of a Starset album and fit in perfectly. From here, we get into the song “Origin.” This one is just an all-out Djent banger equipped with all of the elements. The guitars duel back and forth playfully as the keyboard adds another layer of texture. 

Just when you think you have this album figured out, the band get into the song “Second Skin.” One of the more unique songs on this effort, there are very prevalent jazz elements accompanied by the catchiest and most accessible chorus of the band’s discography to date. The band close out the album with the song “Better Days.” This is perhaps one of the most emotional tracks that the band have put out. The authenticity in Brian’s vocal delivery is sure to connect with fans, especially those that may be struggling with anxiety or depression.

Overall, if Currents’ goal was to continue to develop their sound and set themselves apart from their peers, I’d say mission accomplished. The band have put together an album that is equal parts savage and beautiful. They’ve managed to give each track on the album its own identity without sacrificing the cohesiveness of the album as a whole. We’re likely just scratching the surface of what this band has to offer us in the future. 

I’m Music Magazine Contributing Writer Jason Jarvis

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