As the first notes of “Sun is Falling” played, I was immediately hooked on Electric Mob’s new album 2 Make U Cry & Dance, releasing January 27, 2023 on Frontiers Records. Hailing from Curitiba, Brazil, this is a follow up to their 2020 debut album Discharge. The hard rock band consisting of Renan Zonta (Vocals), Ben Hur Auwarter (Guitar), Yuri Elero (Bass) and Andre Leister (Drums) has a great rock vibe and is a force to be reckoned with in the music scene.

The band could not have picked a better single with “IT’S GONNA HURT”. This song combines all the elements of a rock hit, a booming bass groove, Zonta’s strong vocal range, and a catchy chorus made to be heard echoed in stadiums. A stand-out track on the album, “Soul Stealer” pulls no punches with its driving guitars and Zonta’s fiery vocals. “Saddest Funk Ever” is a high energy, fun song with groovy drum and bass lines. “Watch Me (I’m Today’s News)” is a strong ending to the album, starting with Zonta’s floating vocals and then hits hard with Zonta’s intense growls as he sings, “…You deny me, unforgiven, Watch Me…”

Electric Mob knocked it out of the park with 2 Make U Cry & Dance. Every song on this album is high quality rock music and it will be exciting to watch this band’s trail blazing career.

I’m Music Magazine Writer Meesha Walden

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