Armed with a new vocalist and a new record label in AFM Records, Firewind have released their ninth album, simply titled, Firewind. Guitar virtuoso, Gus G has welcomed the extremely talented vocalist, Herbie Langhans (Avantasia, Seventh Avenue) to the fold and the results are pure metal magic. 

“Welcome to the Empire” opens up with a gorgeous and lush intro that fuses a haunting, acoustic guitar passage followed by a blistering and soulful lead from Gus G. When the track hits the 1:03 mark, the entire band comes crashing in and paves the way for Herbie (Langhans) to just absolutely deliver the goods. His voice has power, control, and most importantly, passion. Amazing way to open the album and introduce the new guy. 

Follow up track, “Devour” ditches the pretty acoustics and goes straight for the throat with pummeling riffs and double bass drum action. Love the background vocals in the chorus.

“Rising Fire” rides the fine line between heavy and melodic. There is a great section in the song where the tempo slows, and the rhythm section really shows of that solid bottom end groove. 

“Longing to Know You” is a gripping and emotional ballad with gorgeous and that most definitely shines the spotlight on Herbie as a multi-faceted singer as well as Gus G’s abilities to really to apply the “less is more” approach musically. 

“Perfect Strangers” shows the band returning to a heavier and aggressive sound. Drummer, Jo Nunez is phenomenal on the track as he blends precision timing with all out primal power. You can really feel the power and grit of Herbie’s vocals when he belts this monster rocker out. 

“Overdrive” is 100% pure and unadulterated traditional metal at its best. Killer intro that brought to mind the legendary Dio, and more importantly in the vocals, the late, great Ronnie James Dio (RIP)

Closing out the album is the mind-blowing “Kill the Pain.” Firing on all cylinders, the band sounds their absolute strongest here. You really get the sense that Herbie (Langhans) complements Gus G and Firewind so very well. 

Firewind is an incredible album from start to finish. There is something for everyone on this album. Obviously, guitar aficionados will salivate over Gus G and his virtuosity and wizardry. Fans will also take notice of the contributions of the new guy behind the mic, as well as the well- crafted songs themselves. 

Rating: 8/10 Stars

I’m Music Magazine Writer Jason “Supes” Mesa