July 20, 2017 is a day that is etched in the memory of most every music fan in the world. That is the day that Chester Bennington, lead vocalist for Linkin Park, lost his battle with the demon that is mental illness. He made his struggle a public battle through the lyrics that he wrote. With the release of Amends, we can see some of the history behind what made the music in Linkin Park so popular.

Bennington was singing with a small group when he and fellow member Sean Dowdell left to form Grey Daze in 1993. They had three releases before Bennington left in 1997. They are officially labeled in most catalogs as a post-grunge band, but when you listen to it, that’s not the feel that you get. You undoubtedly get the sense that you are hearing the birth of a sound. A sound that will, in three years, be known worldwide as Linkin Park. Dowdell is working with Bennington’s family, especially his son Jamie, to get these tracks released. A video series about the album was created as well, with help from the family as well.

 The album itself, where we can hear the birth of Bennington’s signature sound, has the potential to heal the sinking dark hole that shredded hearts in the music world. Heavily influenced by Depeche Mode and Stone Temple Pilots, Bennington blended the two differently styled bands into that new sound. The lyrics hauntingly mix with the music creating a soundscape that can almost be visually seen.

“I will be waiting, with a song in my soul…” opens up the track called “Soul Song.” Jamie Bennington directed the video for this song, which was released mid May. The entire song is a release of emotion and pain, heard in the tones of his voice. Then you hear the calm waiting. Sickness” has that masterful blend of electronic overtones with the guitars and drums that is recognizable to any fan. 

Morei Sky brings in beautiful piano tones and possibly the source for the album title. It’s slow mindful rhythms allow the piano to float in and out among the other instruments. “If I had a second chance, I’d make amends, only to find myself loosing in the end” It seems almost prophetic, as Bennington would eventually loose his battle with the demons of his life.

There is no doubt about the loss that is felt in the music world, when thinking of Chester Bennington. There was still so much potential from the gifted writer. He had overcome so much pain, in various forms, in his life. It seems that releasing this album, which charts the beginning of what would become his biggest masterpiece, is the perfect way to heal the wounds, and honor Chester’s talent. 

My friends, please never underestimate the struggles that come with mental illness. Addiction, Depression, Anxiety, it’s real, it’s painful, and they all come with more baggage than I could possibly list. It’s a nightmare that has been a stigma for too long and I want you to know, that if you are struggling, there is hope. If you, or anyone you love is struggling with the thoughts of suicide, please call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. There is no shame in asking for help. You are not in this alone. Lets end the stigma, and keep the music going.

I’m Music Magazine Photographer/Writer Michele Hancock


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