Get ready for the new Leaves’ Eyes album Myths of Fate out March 22, 2024! They are no strangers to the symphonic metal scene, as they are celebrating their 20th anniversary with this upcoming ninth studio album release. They leave listeners captivated with their unique sound that combines components of classical music, folk and gothic instrumentals, and Elina Siirala’s dazzling soprano vocals under the leadership of Alexander Krull. The heavy guitars are a combination of none other than Micki Richter and Luc Gebhardt. The rhythm section is completed with drummer Joris Nijenhuis. 

Leaves’ Eyes are multi-layered with lyrical content often consisting of mythological topics. With the help of Alexander Krull’s eye for production, the band has been able to produce eye opening music videos focused on the storytelling of medieval Vikings. Their concerts are nothing less than captivating, with life sized Nordic monuments and surreal backdrops, paired with high energy stage presence and performance. 

The concept and lyrical content of Myths of Fate was coined by vocalist Alexander Krull, who took inspiration from the Middle Ages and the mark it left and continues to leave on the modern world. The eleven-track album will take listeners on a trip they will never forget, through magical places filled with the supernatural. 

The first track, “Forged by Fire” opens with triumphant ringing bells that climaxes into screaming guitars. Elina’s voice rings throughout the chorus. At 3:06 the blazing double bass subsides and leaves only the whispers. Then, heaviness continues this time modulation through keys! The song finishes on a high note (literally), with backing guitars that will be sure to leave their mark on the listener. When Alexander was asked about the lyrical inspiration for this song speaking of dwarfs who form deadly weapons, he stated that “these legends always reflected the real-life horrors of those who told them, making them even relatable to modern events of wars and fights.”

The glory surrounding “Realm of Dark Waves” is one of my personal favorite tunes! It opens with a mystical pan flute and the neck breaker guitar solo is bound to leave your ears ringing. Additionally, it is accompanied by a totally badass music video focusing on the Goddess of the Sea that is lyrically linked to other Leave’s Eyes hits such as “Nine Wave Maidens.” 

“In Eternity” is a touching song written by Elina in dedication to Alexander’s mother, whom she felt inspiration from. This tune truly shows Leaves’ Eyes ability to combine heavy guitars with emotional melodic melodies. It begins with a chant-like call and auxiliary percussion that then gradients into Elina’s crystal-clear vocals that ramp up with guitars and drums in the chorus. The lyrical content is detailing having “strength” to push through the hardships in one’s life. 

The lyrical string solo accompanied by piano will be sure to catch listeners’ attention with “Goddess of the Night,” as its ballad is welcomed with open arms. Elina’s vibrato and touching fairy tale metal Goddess vocals (on point with the song name), reaches its climax at 2:23 when it bursts into a quick guitar interlude. Then, the chilling violin solo reappears but this time building with vocals and instrumentals before modulating to end the song with a bang!

This eleven-track release out March 22, 2024 from Leaves’ Eyes is a must listen for any symphonic metal fan! It features heavy dual guitars accompanied by double bass drum and breath catching vocals! The orchestral strings used within many of the songs help to attract new classical music fans to the metal community. This album and production showcase the ability for different instruments not traditionally found within the same ensemble to fuse together to create a masterpiece. The five cinematic music videos produced by Mastersound Entertainment were filmed in breathtaking locations such as Iceland, Germany, and Poland are enough to draw-in any film fan, as they are truly keeping the Viking and Nordic spirit alive and well! 

I’m Music Magazine Writer Angel Bohurjak

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