Hailing from the land of ABBA and IKEA, Swedish band Lipz is described as glam rock infused with a contemporary edge. There’s no doubt they look the part. Have you SEEN these guys?

More importantly, have you HEARD these guys? After listening to their sophomore album, Changing The Melody, released earlier this month on Frontiers Music, I quickly realized there’s more to this unapologetic band than just make-up.

Lipz was born in 2011, when the creative and talented Klintberg brothers, Alexander on vocals and guitar, and Koffe on drums, started the band with their best friend and guitarist, Conny Svärd. After several unsuccessful attempts to find the perfect frontman, Alexander grabbed the mic himself. 

Rounded out by Chris Young on bass, they definitely found their infectious sleaze rock sound, complimented by an outrageous look that you can’t turn away from.

“I’m Going Under” is the first track on Changing The Melody and perfectly sets the table for what’s to come. Chock-full of power chords, a “hey, hey, hey” gang vocal, and a ripping guitar solo, this song rocks!

The title track is up next. It follows the same song writing formula, but it works. A catchy hook and sing-along chorus, what else do you need in a good rock song?

The boys seem to be channeling their sleazy Swedish predecessors, Vains of Jenna, on “Bye Bye Beautiful.” Anyone who might still be mourning the demise of that band may have found the next best thing in Lipz.

Just listen to the song, “Freak” and you’ll know why Alexander was the right vocalist for the job. His impressive range shines on this groovy, mid-tempo track.

I thought “I Would Die for You” might be a unique spin on the Prince classic, but it turns out to be a pretty solid power ballad. Back in the day, this would be the song that would bring the girls out to the record store in the mall to buy the cassette.

The closing track, “Monsterz” immediately has two things going for it – a “Z” instead of an “S” in the title, and a glorious cowbell to count the song in. What follows is a damn good song to bring an end to a damn good album.

As the glitter settles and final chords ring out on Changing the Melody, it’s clear that Lipz isn’t just recreating 80’s glam rock; they’re redefining it for a new generation. Their infectious energy and flamboyant style are a welcome addition to today’s musical landscape. I want more!

I’m Music Magazine Writer Steve Pawlowski

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