Oslo, Norway’s hard rock trio Mantric have just released their latest album, False Negative to the masses via Tooth & Nail/Solid State Records. Once members of the death metal band, Extol, these fellas have transitioned into more of modern alternative rock with progressive elements thrown in to keep things interesting. Just the change from death metal to modern rock already had me curious. So, what can you expect when you first listen to Mantric? You can expect intense and energetic rock and roll with unexpected synth elements. The songs are as catchy as they are chaotic, which made for a really great musical experience. 

Opening up the album is the first single, “Polyanna” which was released back on March 20th of this year. Love the brief and hypnotic synth intro before the track combusts and the band comes at you full speed. Great tempo changes and clean vocals make this an outstanding opener and a preview of what is to come on the rest of the album. 

“Follow up track, “Itching Soul” has more a darker vibe and is noticeably heavier. The guitars in the beginning are as haunting as the spoken word vocals. I love the line, “Don’t give me a kiss that tastes like strawberries.” The presence of the rhythm section is quite strong once the bridge and chorus kick in. Two tracks in and I am really digging this album. 

“Queen Fatigue” is an extremely high energy and aggressive track that brings to mind shades of Foo Fighters. The drums hit especially hard and the vocals are fueled with aggression and venom. This one will definitely get your blood pumping and heart racing.

“Norwegian Dastard” switch gears completely with its quirky piano intro and psychedelic feel. It is a very lush and dreamy track that really showcases the versatility of the band.

 “Dawn” is another great track that really caught my attention. There is a great instrumental passage at the 1:58 mark that instantly made me think of The Doors classic, “The End.” Ultimately, the track ends on a heavy note and easily becomes my personal favorite track on False Negative

The band really seems to like throwing curveballs and surprising the listener. “Every Day is Independence Day” is the perfect example of that. You never seem to know where the track is going with all its twists and turns. 

Closing out the album, is the nearly nine minute long musical journey that is “Starmonger.” Huge powerful riffs, ethereal synth, and soothing vocals all keep you under the spell of Mantric. At about 6 minutes in the guitars get more distorted, the drums thump harder and the overall emotion of the song swells until it ends like a beautiful whisper. 

False Negative is a must for any music loving fan who is looking for something new and adventurous to sink their teeth and wrap their head around. The album moves in so many directions and showcases a wide variety of influences of genres. One moment you’re lulled in with lush synth keyboard, and the next moment being pummeled by distorted riffs and emotion fueled rage. It truly is an album to be purchased and experienced. Although while reviewing the album, I did not listen with headphones, I would highly suggest it in order to take full advantage of your listening experience. Kudos to the guys in Mantric! 

Rating: 8.5/10 Stars

I’m Music Magazine Writer Jason “Supes” Mesa

I'm Music Magazine, Mantric, False Negative, Polyanna, Tooth and Nail, Solid State Records, Extol

