Ronnie Atkins first came onto the metal scene when he formed the band “Pretty Maids” with Ken Hammer in 1981. Releasing an EP in 1983, and a full album in 1984, Red, Hot and Heavy, the band quickly took off with the acclaim of a second successful album, Future World. 

Through the early 90’s, Pretty Maids struggled with the lack of success of Jump the Gun, but reignited the fire with 1995’s Scream.  Ronnie Atkins led Pretty Maids through 15 studio albums until 2019, and now Atkins has announced his first solo album, via Frontiers Music Srl, One Shot. 

Sometimes the universe sends a song into your life at the perfect moment of your darkness to shine the light. “One Shot” is a powerhouse love and life ballad for the ages. An epic song of phenomenal emotional torsion with the mental impact of a tsunami of hope. An absolute masterpiece that will bring you to your knees in ecstasy; fist pumping along to the song.

Atkins, who recently signed with Frontiers Music Srl, said, “To be honest, I initially had no intention to do a solo album to begin with, but for various reasons and in particularly my own personal health situation I finally decided to have a crack at it.” 

“Around Easter 2020 and only some six weeks after I was told that everything seemingly looked very positive for my health, I was unfortunately diagnosed with stage four cancer and told it was incurable, which was devastating news for me. Needless to say, that was a total game changer and I went into kind of a panic situation for a while! But when the dust had settled. I realized there were two ways to approach the situation. I could sit down, accept the facts, and feel pity for myself or I could pull myself up, set some goals, pursue my dreams, and carry on living! And with fantastic back up from my family and true friends, I went for the latter!” 

Produced by Pretty Maids bandmate Chris Laney, and mixed by Jacob Hansen, One Shot is melodic genius metal at it’s best. From the inspiring “Real,” with it’s upbeat staccato and guitar blasts, to the flourishingly beautiful “Scorpio” with it’s incredible drumbeat, “One Shot” is a human dynamo of music.  Filled with stellar lyrics, and astonishing multi instrumental solos, combined with Atkins’ intense pro vocals, One Shot will take you away to another dimension of metal. 

Atkins peels the petals of a flower gently away on the title track, leading into the apogee of the chorus. Exquisitely done, with a reverence for music that only Atkins could deliver, this song waves the banner over the album, screaming into the void of night and alighting it with the fire and power of a thousand suns. 

Entertaining, emotional and mighty, the rest of the album rings true to Atkins and rock and roll, like an anthem of hope and honesty. “Subjugated” makes a bold statement to the world and society as a whole. “Subjugated” refuses the intimidation of life itself.

 “Frequency of Love” holds an almost 80’s rock in its aura, strongly affirming the reality of love with lyrics that bloom in the garden of the album Atkins has created.  Indeed, my heart swells and I choke up at the thought of a world with Ronnie Atkins in it. “Miles Away” croons bittersweet everythings in its euphonic melody. There’s nothing simple about this album of greatness; even the gentle songs are a masterpiece of art in its finest.

It was “Picture Yourself” that finally broke me and brought the real tears to my face.  One can only imagine Atkins singing in his recording studio, pleading to a world for better humanity, environmental awareness, healing and a fight for tomorrow.  The song is Atkins’ version of a melodic metal “Imagine,” and it shines.

One Shot isn’t just an album, a work of art and perhaps a goodbye to the world; it is a statement in its entirety. “I Prophesize” continues the theme of the album, still going strong in its message to the world.

The album finishes with a fierce shower of songs over this garden of music and art called “One Shot”; on the tracks “One by One” and “When Dreams Are Not Enough”. “When Dreams Are Not Enough” is a stunning finish to one of the best albums I’ve heard in years. 

Thank you for the music, Ronnie, it’s been a real ride. To be continued on the other side of the great beyond. May it be a million times more gorgeous than the music you have given us for so many years. Cheers, mate.  “Everything will be beautiful.”

I’m Music Magazine Contributing Writer Breezy Blake

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