At last count, legendary hard rock guitarist, Tracii Guns, is currently in 64 bands. OK, that may be an exaggeration, but not by much! His latest project finds him paired with Great White vocalist, Jack Russell in the aptly named, Russell-Guns.

Millions of fans have steadfastly supported both Tracii Guns and Jack Russell throughout the years. Together, the iconic pair have announced a new studio album, Medusa, to be released January 12, 2024, on Frontiers Music Srl.  

Joined on bass by Johnny Martin; Shane Fitzgibbon on drums; and Alessandro Del Vecchio on keyboards, this line-up is three-quarters of one of the more recent versions of LA Guns, but unfortunately, doesn’t pack the same punch.

“Next In Line” and “Tell Me Why” kick things off on Medusa. Both are decent rock and roll songs, but nothing that gets you excited to hear more.

If you’re looking for a little taste of classic Great White, “For You” is probably your best bet. It features a catchy hook and a nice little touch of piano. If you try hard enough, you can almost see Bobbie Brown dancing in the iconic “Once Bitten Twice Shy” video.

“It was so great making a record with Tracii,” Jack says. “Initially, I had my reservations about making this record, but in the end, it kicks ass. I’ll play with him anytime!”

Tracii showcases his fast fingers and timeless licks on the title track, “Medusa.” Opening with a brilliant riff and carrying through with a bluesy undertone and killer solo, this one rocks.

“Jack is one of the greatest rock voices of our generation,” Tracii shares. “It’s a total honor to play guitar on this record.”

While few would argue that Jack’s legacy speaks for itself, the many, many years of debilitating medical issues he’s endured may have finally taken their toll on his vocals. Nothing but credit and respect for fighting the good fight, but this is not the voice we know and love.

The album wraps up on a high note with the anthemic “I Want You.” A great guitar lick, a hint of Hammond organ and sing-along gang vocals tie a nice bow on a less-than-memorable effort.

I’m Music Magazine Writer Steve Pawlowski

