It was all the way back in 2001, that we first heard that “Click, Click, BOOM” line, from a little band out of Tennessee. Can you believe it it? Since then Saliva has released seven other albums on top of 2001’s smash sophomore offering, Every Six Seconds. Earlier this month, they added number eight with Every Twenty Years. 

The band has taken some of their best fan-favorite songs, and re-recorded them. Before you dismiss this as yet another greatest hits album, take a pause and listen. Last year there was a much hyped possibility of original lead singer, Josey Scott, returning to the band. He has been absent since 2011. This past January those plans were officially put aside. 

It’s now time for Bobby Amaru to have his own version of these hits. Amaru has done a fantastic job providing strong vocals and amazing stage presence the past ten years. The re-recorded versions feature his vocals, his version of the songs. It also seems like the songs are a bit more cleaned up, perhaps an effect from years of experience under their belt this time around. The iconic Saliva sound is still there, make no mistake about that. They show off the other side of Tennessee often overlooked. Edgy, rough yet new. 

The EP has only six songs on it, but the standout, in my humble opinion, is “Spoonman.” Their rendition of this Soundgarden classic is an outstanding tribute to the genius of Chris Cornell and Soundgarden. Do yourself a favor and take a trip back, courtesy of Saliva. Bobby Amaru is clearly leading the way.

I’m Music Magazine Photographer & Writer Michele Hancock

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