Seventh Wonder is a Swedish progressive metal band formed in 2000. Trough out the years the band had some line-up changes with a few singers coming and going. After landing a record deal with Lion Music they released their debut album Become in 2005, followed by Waiting in the Wings in 2006, Mercy Falls in 2008 and The Great Escape 2010. In 2016 they signed with Frontier Records releasing the live CD/DVD Welcome to Atlanta Live 2014 and the studio album Tiara in 2018. Four years later the band, with current Line-up, Andreas Blomqvist (bass player), Johan Liefvendahl (guitarist), Andreas Kyrt Söderin (keyboard player), Tommy Karevik (vocals) and Stefan Norgren (drums), announced their sixth studio album The Testament released on 6/10.

If you are like me and love music that tells a story, taking you through all corners of life, this is the album for you. It is really a testament of life, looking inwards to the soul and asking the difficult questions. Is there more to life than we ever thought? Showing even when there’s dark times, with a little faith, hope and love you can overcome the darkness and find the light. Every member of Seventh Wonder is a great musician shown by the heavy instrumental solos that contributes just as much to the dynamics and depth as the lyrics and powerful vocals that grab your attention and heart strings from the start. It’s so difficult to choose a song that stands out, as all of them are taking you on a different ride of emotions.

This album kicks off with “Warriors”- “Before I die, I need to feel that I’m alive, Up from the dark I will arise, Igniting the spark in my eyes. Yeah, we rise, we fall, we conquer it all, And we keep moving on, we are the warriors.” The lyrics highlight being human with mistakes and desires, but a good reminder that even after the fall we can get up stronger and chase the light.

“Mind Killer”- Having a powerful hook pulling you in to the song so you can’t help but sing along “When your own life is in your hands, You choose the path to walk upon, And soon the past is taking over, And you alone must find your way, Just like impossible romance, Shackled to the underground, Way too afraid to take a chance, Just too afraid of failure. You wrote the lines that define you long ago, All that you need is inside you to leave it all behind” “Into a mind set on fire,
they’re lost in a maze, Facing the memories, That’ll work to conspire, And set us ablaze, Fear is the master, To lead us astray, So push darkness away.” These lyrics take you on a journey of self-discovery, digging deep in to that space where fear and self-doubt lingers. A strong reminder that we cannot walk this road of life alone.

“Under a clear blue sky” almost feels like an anthem. “Cling to life, reach up higher, Tread the causeway, testify, Deep within you, Cleanse the demons left to die. There is not a thing you can’t do, Boldly embrace the world, As the pages turn let light surround you, And watch your life unfurl” “Up onwards like a dynamo, Every step that I’m taking is under a clear blue sky, I fly above the doubt below, My hope, my guide, Brings light to my life.” You feel the strength and light seeping through while listening to this at the end believing you can concur it all and overcome the darkness. “Elegy”- The final song of this album, closing the curtain on this roller-coaster, is a reflection on the progression of the beginning and the end of life. A ballad bringing you to tears, an emotional look into the soul of a boy growing up learning that a “real man” is strong, not showing pain or emotion and the sadness it brings, only to be set free at the end of his life.

This album is a treat for the ears. It’s deep and soulful and a reminder of the frailty of life showing without faith, hope and love it will be so much more difficult.
Everyone listening to this album will get something out of the messages in the songs. This is a definite recommendation.

I’m Music Magazine Writer Magda Engelbrecht 

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