All the way from San Paulo, Brazil, I give you The Krueggers. This hard rock quartet named their band after the horror movie icon, Freddy Krueger of the Nightmare on Elm Street series. The guys have just released their album, Hysterical Cold Side and Dark Memo to the music loving masses. 

So, what can you expect from The Krueggers? The album is filled with eleven heavy and blistering tracks that draw influence from such bands as Godsmack, Seether and Alice In Chains. Monster sized riffs, thick and slinky groove in the bottom end, and gritty angst filled vocals are what you can expect.

“Lying Machine” opens up the album and sets the tone for this musical journey. Hard hitting drums and dirty distorted guitar riffs pave the way for vocalist, Randy Flora to lay down his deep, snarling vocals.

“Freak Out” hits just as hard, but with a little more swagger. There is more of a Core era Stone Temple Pilots feel to this song, which I really can appreciate. The chorus is instantly recognizable and extremely catchy. Guitarist Rafael Flora is on point with his crazy leads and solo.

“Someday” has a really cool and trippy vibe. The drumming and percussion really give the track its own identity. 

The track “Bulls**t” is packed to the brim with heavy distortion and just all out primal drumming. Randy (Flora’s) vocals are particularly anger fueled. Kind of reminded me of Ministry’s Al Jourgensen or even early Marilyn Manson. 

“Bring Me Shine” is most definitely a track that stands above the rest. Slightly slower in tempo, the song is dark and moody to start and then transitions into a heavier, yet still emotional rock offering. This probably the closest thing to a ballad that appears on the album.

The Krueggers have delivered a solid effort with the release of Hysterical Cold Side and Dark Memories. The emotion and passion delivered in each song is quite inspiring! Check out their social media, listen to the links above, and grab a copy of the album.

Rating: 7/10 Stars.

By I’m Music Magazine Writer Jason “Supes” Mesa

I'm Music Magazine, The Krueggers, Freddie Krueger, Nightmare on Elm Street, Hysterical Cold Side and Dark Memories