The Story So Far released their new album, I Want To Disappear, June 21st on Pure Noise Records. I Want To Disappear features some previous singles as well as seven new tracks. In their press kit, Ryan Torf said about the album, “We kind of grew out of our 20s between this record and last. Like a lot of people, you go through so many different things in life and you’re faced with new challenges.  As a band, when you go through hardships you realize that some things are more important than music.  These can and do take priority over playing, and that can feel divisive.  It’s sometimes necessary though, to get to where you want to go.”

When I started listening, the first thought on my mind was “Warped Tour.” I was hit with a wave of nostalgia of a sound that is firmly planted in the early 2000s, but I Want to Disappear shows a marked evolution of sound and themes, while sticking to the band’s pop-punk millennial roots. I enjoyed the track “Letterman,” with lyrics like “So don’t think that I’m excited at all, and you know that I’ve been dying to call, but I can’t get involved.” 

“Big Blind” has a big sound and would be fun to hear the band perform live due to its energy and chaotic guitar riffs. My favorite song on the album is “Nothing to Say” because of its guitar solo around the one minute and forty eight seconds mark, and also its themes of putting yourself first when others won’t.

Overall, I Want To Disappear is consistent with The Story So Far’s older albums in terms of sound and theme. Those hoping for a more modern sound may be disappointed, however, there’s a definite maturation of their lyrics and themes. People who were part of that glorious Warped Tour era will feel right at home listening to I Want To Disappear. I recommend giving it a listen for the nostalgia factor and judging for yourself. 

I’m Music Magazine Photographer/Writer Jojo Key

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