Them Damn Kings released their debut album, Rise Up, this month. I approached this review with no knowledge of the band besides their name and the name of the album. 

“Good Enough” is the first song on Rise Up. It has punk rock-esque lyrics, clean vocals, and a catchy riff. 

The second track, “Throw It Away,” is when Them Damn Kings caught my attention. I like the energy of the chorus and the way it bleeds easily into the next verses. This is a song I could see crowds singing live, headbanging, and having a great time. I wouldn’t skip it if “Throw It Away” came up on shuffle.  

Other songs I particularly enjoyed are “Compromise,” which is very punk meets guitar rock meets metal, “Yesterday,” which would have perfectly fit on the soundtrack of one of the Tony Hawk Pro Skater games, and “The Pill,” which is just plain fun to listen to.

Them Damn Kings have a solid first album in Rise Up. There are plenty of songs I would enjoy hearing played live. There’s some room to grow, but lots of awesome. I listened to the album three times and had a hard time choosing just three favorites to mention in my review, rather than let it get too long. There wasn’t any track I particularly disliked listening to. I hope to see Them Damn Kings touring in my area soon!

I’m Music Magazine Photographer/Writer Jojo Key



