Apocalyptic, Baby is the debut album from Maryland based hard rock band, Veer. It is a twelve song collection of killer rock and roll. Top to bottom, this one solid album with no filler whatsoever. 

“Power Drive” opens things up with big, bombastic guitars, and heavy rhythm section. Soulful and soaring vocals lead the way to a truly infectious sing-along chorus. 

Following that up is the dirty and slinky, “White.” Hypnotic rhythm and lead guitar make this one difficult to not move your body to. Definitely a personal favorite, as it was stuck in my head immediately. A sure fire radio hit in the making. 

“Come Clean” Is one of the singles released from Apocalyptic, Baby. Relentless and up tempo with great energy. Raw and bluesy guitar give this song a feel reminiscent of Velvet Revolver or early Guns n’ Roses. 

“Douse” is another great song with a grungy feel. Sludgy guitars and clean vocals make this track a standout amongst the bunch. 

“Breathe” is a beautifully dark and haunting ballad. The vocals are moody and dripping with despair. An emotional and heartfelt love song set to a gorgeous musical canvas. 

“Make You” is yet another single released from the album. Excellent opening with elements of funk to tease your ear drums before slamming back into that heavy and relentless foundation of drums and bass. 

“Lost and Found” is really unique song in that it not only sees the band return to the heavier side of their sound, they have managed to be quite possibly the only hard rock song that I have heard with the phrase, “Ollie, Ollie Oxen Free” shouted throughout. 

Closing out the album is “Hesitant.” I really loved the vibe on this track! It brought back memories of great bands like Pearl Jam and even the post-grunge Seattle heavyweights, Candlebox. Meaty riffs, exquisite leads, and those unforgettable vocals that just ooze swagger and soul. Honestly, a perfect ending to a great album.

Apocalyptic, Baby is a stellar rock and roll album from top to bottom. It is a winning combination of everything that great rock and roll is and what it should be. Music that moves you in your body and lyrics that touch you in your soul. Kudos to Veer, the boys from Annapolis, Maryland who have made one of the best rock records to come out in quite some time.

Rating: 8.5/10 Stars

Jason “Supes” Mesa Writer for I’m Music Magazine

Come Clean, I'm Music Magazine, Veer, Maryland, Maryland Music Awards, Apocalyptic Baby, Ronald Malfi, Ryan Fowler, Christian Mathis, Jon Malfi


Veer is comprised of Ronald Malfi (lead vocals/guitar), Ryan Fowler (lead guitar/vocals), Christian Mathis (bass) and Jon Malfi (drums).

The band closed out 2018 by playing at The Maryland Music Awards where they were nominated twice. They took home the award for Best Rock Band. In April of this year, the band was awarded Best Rock Song for their single “Come Clean” by the World Songwriting Awards, an international organization that promotes and recognizes songwriting in various genres throughout 129 countries worldwide.

Check out our Artist Spotlight segment on the band:  https://im-musicmagazine.com/f/artist-spotlight-veer?blogcategory=Artist+Spotlights 



