Los Angeles metalcore monsters, Volumes are back with their first full length album since 2017’s Different Animals. The new album, titled Happier? is slated for release on November 19ththrough Fearless Records. So, why did it take the band over four years to get this new album out? Well, those familiar with the band are likely well aware of the struggles the band have been through in recent years. Volumes’ issues with addiction and in-band disagreements have been well documented. These issues all culminated with the exit of their two founding members, vocalist, Gus Farias, and his brother and lead guitarist, Diego Farias. Diego sadly passed away shortly following his departure from the band. Volumes tapped former co-vocalist, Michael Barr, to replace Gus and the rebuilding process began. As we get into the aptly titled, Happier? we see the band’s resilience really come into play as the band puts out one of their best and most emotional releases to date.

Longtime fans are sure to be satisfied with the opening track, “FBX” as it harkens back to the band’s older material. It’s the formula that brought most of the fans to the dance to begin with. Even with lineup changes, the band demonstrate here that they can still bring it with their bouncy riffs layered on top of technically precise drumming and bass. They lose no steam as they barrel directly into the next track, “Malevolent”, a track that would nestle perfectly in the middle of the band’s debut album, Via.

However, fans of the band’s newer material needn’t worry. Happier? has something for fans old and new alike as demonstrated on the track, “Bend.” This song sees Myke Terry and Michael Barr trading verses, each performing both clean and harsh vocals. This song really highlights the dual talent that the co-vocalists possess. The haunting harmonies in this song will leave you wanting more as the band ventures back into more aggressive territory with the song “Get Enough.” This is a track that is, perhaps a more balanced effort from the band as it displays both their vicious and more serene side at the same time. Fans of the band’s previous album, Different Animals, are sure to gravitate towards this one.

On the track, “Lets Me Down,” the Mike and Myke combo continue their dual assault on your senses by trading verses back and forth. The song escalates into a groove-driven breakdown that will have you ready to dance and mosh at the same time. The djenty guitar work adds a layer of depth to the song that you will continue to hone in on more and more with each listen. Perfectly placed in the middle of the album, the song, “Man On Fire” is an absolute banger and a much needed pallet cleanser after some of the more melodic and less bouncy songs. This song will certainly play well in a live setting as it’s damned near impossible to stay still while listening to it.

The band close out the album with the title track, “Happier?” This song seems to encapsulate the entire theme of the album and spotlights a band searching for a reason to push forward despite the challenges that they’ve faced. It’s a fantastic way to bring this whole collection of songs together and leaves the listener with an overwhelming sense of optimism. 

Overall, Volumes has put together a collection of songs that perfectly demonstrates their various strengths as artists while offering an emotionally charged, and ultimately cathartic experience for their listeners. So, while only time will tell where Happier? will ultimately rank amongst the band’s already stellar catalog, one thing’s for sure, Volumes is here to stay. With a fresh lineup and their personal issues in the rear-view mirror, the band seems poised to rise to even greater heights. 

I’m Music Magazine Writer Jason Jarvis

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