Photo Credit: Andrew Goldfarb @goldsightmedia

Artist Spotlight is a segment that we started to introduce our listeners to some deserving up and coming artists/bands. They have made an impact on us for all of the right reasons. We think they kick ass and we hope you do too! Today we’d like to shine the spotlight on A TRIGGER WITHIN!

A TRIGGER WITHIN from Los Angeles California, are a collection of gentlemen from all over the United States and Ireland. Founded by Frontman Jimmy Trigger, hailing from Kilkenny Ireland, after years of being in the LA Metal scene finally ventured out to start a new project and recruited some of his favorite musicians and people, he had met throughout the years of playing in the States. The ATW sound/genre is as explained, “SYNTH SOAKED ANTHEM METAL!”. With an emphasis on groove and big choruses, crowd interaction, and big live show energy, ATW always comes out of the gate swinging. Regardless if you like us or not, You will be singing our songs by the time you leave.

We had a fun Q&A session with A TRIGGER WITHIN’S Frontman Jimmy Trigger! 

Every superhero or villain has an origin, and a band is no different minus the radioactive spiders and secret government experiments. What is the origin of A TRIGGER WITHIN?

Jimmy Trigger/A TRIGGER WITHIN: Funny you should mention superheroes because I may or may not be Batman?! Let’s just say we have never been seen in the same place at the same time. 

SO, the origin of ATW, Well I came to America in 2011 from Ireland not knowing anyone and just threw myself into the American music scene headfirst, joining a bunch of bands and touring, etc., making a somewhat small name for myself as “That Irish guy who can sing pretty good”, I’m paraphrasing. After a few years of dealing with a LOT of musicians, something or another always got in the way of progress. So, I decided I wanted to start fresh, with people I had met and genuinely liked and thought were great performers. Along the way, I discovered guitar player David Bruno aka Bueno Bruno, and drummer Dylan Roy and I had previously played with my keyboard player Matt “Westhex” Belluardo. After that, things just became easier. Now we are also joined by our mutual friend John “Johnboy” Douglas on bass. The main goal for me for once, was to find easy-going, enthusiastic, nice people I actually liked being around and didn’t mind my slightly unorthodox and eccentric ways. I can be somewhat of a weirdo, one could say. After that, songs were written, shows were played, and a following was amassed. It’s strange because we have never toured officially, but always seem to have great crowds and interactions at shows. We haven’t toured because one, it’s insanely expensive, and personally, I opted to spend all the money and time on writing and releasing online. It just never made sense to do those long tours playing to 20 people 1,000 miles from home anymore when the reach online is massive. It’s all about opportunity, a great tour, and we are there. But for now, Online and whatever is a couple of hundred-mile radius to where we are seems to be the smartest thing. 

Which bands/artists inspire you?

This is the hardest question to ever answer for me personally. I know all the guys, all so many bands they know and love, and are way cooler than me when it comes to newer bands haha. 

Music-wise, I write and sound nothing like the bands I love, so I’m not sure if they’re a musical inspiration to me. What inspires me is much easier for me to say. Life, experiences, my journey with depression and being diagnosed with it officially when I was 35 (never too late), My journey and recovery, and learning to live with it. I tend to take life one day at a time and soak it all in and see what I can learn from it every day. Some days it’s a song, some days it’s a lesson. I can’t genuinely say I am inspired by many artists, I do enjoy them, I find them more fascinating. If I’m to pick one popular band from multiple different genres and decades, Black Sabbath, Ozzy, Ugly Kid Joe, Alice in Chains, Faith No More, Korn, Killswitch Engage, Periphery, and the greatest of all time Limp Bizkit hahaha. But honestly, I listen to pop. classical, old skool rap, instrumental, everything. 

Which song is a favorite to perform live and why?

My personal favourite is the first song we ever released, “A Time To Kill.” Firstly, because it was our first song, and it bangs hard every time we play it. It’s a crowd pleaser, it’s a singalong, it’s heavy, it’s groovy, it’s violent, it’s everything I want a song to be. And it is and always will be our last song. We always go absolutely bonkers on stage when we perform it, whatever is left in our bodies we just completely give it all on this one song. I would love to be able to experience just that tune from the crowd as an onlooker. 

If you could go back in time, what advice would you give to yourself when you were just starting the band?

To past self; Get healthy mentally younger. Find the professional help you so desperately need, don’t wait until you’re almost at death’s door when you’re 35 years old and ready to completely give up when you haven’t even reached your prime. I have no regrets in my life, but I would love to be 20 years old and know what I know now about the world and the music industry. But the only way you can learn these lessons is by living it. To any musicians out there reading this, If you’re not doing well mentally, take care of yourself. Ask for help when you feel you are able to. With a healthy mind, everything becomes a lot easier…I guess, I could have practiced guitar a bit more too…naaaaah! hahaha

What’s the band currently working on? Anything you want to share with us?

The new single “ESCAPE THE FATE” is dropping soon. It deals with a lot of the topics discussed here today. Everything I write always has and always will have a profundity, metaphors, and life lessons mixed into it somewhere, for those who are looking for it. But for those who don’t care about that stuff and just want a good banging tune to bang their heads to, That’s there too! 🙂 

Remember, we don’t need to be so tribal and opinionated about this, enjoy it, or don’t…IT’S JUST MUSIC!

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