Artist Spotlight is a segment that we started to introduce our listeners to some deserving up and coming artists/ bands. They have made an impact on us for all of the right reasons. We think they kick ass and we hope you do too! Today, we’d like to shine the spotlight on Bad Moon Born! 

Since forming in Western Sydney in 2015, Bad Moon Born have been relentless in their pursuit of musical excellence. Originally labelling their sound as hard rock, the band made a name for themselves combining 90’s influences with a modern approach, with music fans and critics alike commending the group on their instrumental proficiency and song writing. With their reputation succeeding them, the 5-piece landed consistent national tour support slots, opening for bands suchas Skid Row, Buckcherry, Hardcore Superstar, and Pop Evil to name a few.

2019 saw the group alter their sound, brought on by the introduction of lead vocalist, Jordan Von Grae. Jordan’s dynamic vocal stylings allowed the band to move into heavier territory, pulling inspiration from an eclectic array of artists whilst maintaining a unique and constantly evolving sound. The new line-up released 2 singles “Noxa” and “Bad Guy (Billie Eilish Cover)” in 2020, with the latter amassing over 100,000 streams since its release.

Over the course of Feb ’21 to Jan ’22, Bad Moon Born released five consecutive singles, known collectively as The Heart From the Hollow Series. The singles
ollection landed the group on multiple Spotify and Apple Music editorial playlists, with a majority of the tracks receiving airtime on both Triple M and Triple J. The band concluded 2021 by signing to the prestigious Australian Booking Agency, Destroy All Lines, and cracked open 2022 with a live acoustic performance for Rolling Stones’ ‘In My Room’ series.

The 5-piece are currently slated to released their new cover single “It’s Gonna Be Me” (*NSYNC) on the 31st of May, which will be supported by their ‘It’s Gonna Be An East Coast Tour’ at the start of June Following on from this, the band will be heading into the studio to begin recording their long awaited debut album.

We sat down with the guys in Bad Moon Born for this fun Q&A session!

All villains and heroes have an origin and a band is no different. Well, (hopefully) minus the radioactive spiders and government experiments. What’s the origin of Bad Moon Born?

Most of us grew up together in Western Sydney and began playing music from an early age, inspired by the great rock bands of the 80’s, 90’s and 00’s. We played around the Australian live music circuit for a few years under the moniker ‘Rattlesnake’ before choosing to rebrand ourselves and hone our creative development. Out of the ashes of Rattlesnake came Bad Moon Born, and following the recording of our debut EP, the addition of 2nd guitarist (Ned Koncar). A few years and another EP later, our original singer chose to leave the band, which saw the introduction of Jordan von Grae in 2019. Jordan’s vocal stylings allowed us to move into heavier territory, and it wasn’t long before we adopted a new creative direction, hitting it full steam ahead. Towards the end of 2020, our bass player decided to step away from the band, which is when we brought in Captain Charm, Shane Robinson. This lineup has seen us release 6 singles and 2 covers, and we’re now very excited to be working on our debut album.

Band names: some have meaning and a story behind them while others were just pulled from a hat. What about Bad Moon Born?

Bad Moon Born definitely falls into the latter of those two categories. The only real outline we had was that we wanted it to be three syllables. Our old bass player came up with the name one day and it just felt right. Fast forward seven years and here we are.

Some artists know the specific moment that they were bitten by the music bug such as seeing The Beatles on Sullivan or listening to a specific album. What about all of you?

Jordan – Probably the first time seeing the movie Rock Star. I would’ve been about 9 or 10 and thinking ‘That’s what I wanna do!’

Voya – After I won a guitar from a Coke ‘Enter Your Labels’ competition.

Ned – After watching Megadeth’s ‘Live Rude Awakening’ DVD.

Shane – After seeing The Doors: Dance on Fire.

John – The day Voya gave me Appetite For Destruction when we were like 14.

If you could play the role in any tv show or movie, who would you want to play?

Jordan – Dracula

Voya – Eddie (the dog in Frasier)

Ned – Hank Moody in Californication

Shane – Tony Soprano

John – Jesus (Passion of the Christ)

Are you a good cook and if yes, what’s your go to dish?

Jordan – Not particularly, but I do make a mean pizza.

Voya – Not really. Home made Mac n cheese.

Ned – I’m a decent cook who’s go to meal is a medium-rare Scotch fillet steak with a side of mash and broccolini, topped with lots of pepper.

Shane – Slow cooked lamb, preferably in a camp oven.

John – I’m a shit cook so I stare into the sun for sustenance.


“It’s Gonna Be Me” is out now via 
