Artist Spotlight is a segment that we started to introduce our listeners to some deserving up and coming artists/ bands. They have made an impact on us for all of the right reasons. We think they kick ass and we hope you do too! Today, we’d like to shine the spotlight on Desert Dragon! 

Los Angeles band Desert Dragon recently released their new album This Side of Heaven. The band’s first release with vocalist Keith St. John. Making up the rest of the band is Greg Patnode and Brent Barker on guitar, Rick Brandt on bass, Lenny Roberto on drums, and Michael Smith on keyboards.

Desert Dragon vocalist St John is well known in the rock world for his time in Montrose, Lynch Mob, and currently, Kingdom Come, Burning Rain, and the Raiding the Rock Vault production on the Las Vegas strip. St John co-wrote and co-produced the This Side of Heaven album with Patnode and Smith and considers this record to be “au natural and straight from the heart.”

The band has been making a name for themselves with their multi-rock sound which includes a mix of classic rock, blues rock, country rock, and progressive rock. This Side of Heaven features ten new songs that highlight a different side of the band’s talents on every track, while they salute good old fashion rock. On the album violinist Adel Eskander (Page and Plant No Quarter Tour) lends his talents to the song “Southside Of Heaven”. 

Since their debut in 2011, the band has independently released the EP Desolation which was produced by the legendary Ron Nevison (Led Zeppelin, Bad  Company and featured Billboard charting singles “Darkness Shines” and “Miles Away”. For their album Before The Storm, the band worked with Producer/Mixer James “Jimbo” Barton (Queensrÿche, Rush, Metallica) with the song “Save My World” garnering Best Rock Song at the Malibu Music Awards. 

Desert Dragon has also toured relentlessly including an opening slot for Blue Oyster Cult and a capacity show at SXSW. When asked about the name Patnode explains, “Desert comes from the Judas Priest song Desert Plain and Dragon was inspired by Jimmy Page’s iconic dragon pants”.

We sat down with Desert Dragon guitarist Greg Patnode for a short, but fun Q&A session.

Tell us the origin of how the band formed? 

I had written a bunch of songs and thought “hey let’s turn this into a band.” So, I got all the people I thought would be a good fit and we hit the studio. 

Tell us about your latest release This Side of Heaven and what’s up next.

We are hoping to get out on the road soon. We have a couple of videos coming and we are working on new songs as well.

What was the first CD/album that you bought and what was your most recent CD/album purchase?

First Album was Led Zeppelin’s Physical Graffiti Last CD was Def Leppard’s Diamond Star Halos

What are your five favorite albums?

Physical Graffiti by Led Zeppelin, Heaven and Hell by Black Sabbath, Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd, There and Back by Jeff Beck and Love Drive by Scorpions

What would your dream tour lineup be?

Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Desert Dragon

If This Side of Heaven were a cocktail what would be in it?

Whiskey and Water

What’s the meaning behind the name Desert Dragon?

Well, it came from seeing Jimmy Page wearing those cool dragon embroidered pants and a favorite song of mine Desert Plains by Judas Priest.

Do you have a favorite song from This Side of Heaven and why did you choose it?

I would say I like them all, but the ones that stand out to me would be…Lock and Load, Swamp Thing, Save My Soul, and Bad Luck.

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