Artist Spotlight is a segment that we started to introduce our listeners to some deserving up and coming artists/ bands. They have made an impact on us for all of the right reasons. We think they kick ass and we hope you do too! Today, we’d like to introduce you to Phoenix, Arizona based rockers Jane N’ The Jungle.

In 2013, childhood friends from Phoenix, AZ. Jordan White (lead vox) and Brian Dellis (guitar), began writing songs together. Years later these songs turned into them forming Jane N’ The Jungle.  

After high school, White traveled with Up With People and graduated in 2011 with a BFA in Musical theater from AMDA in Los Angeles and New York City. 

Dellis is a self-taught guitar player that grew up in punk rock bands. Bryan Dague (bass), also also known as “Big B”, a CRAS graduate, joined the band in 2018 after recording for “Concrete Jungle” at Gravity Studios in Chicago, IL.  

Jane N’ The Jungle has a 90’s alternative vibe with female powerhouse vocals. The band’s writing reflects their raw emotion through story-telling. Together the band combines influences that vary between Tori Amos, Brandi Carlile, Third Eye Blind, Brand New, and Black Rebel Motorcycle Club.   

The band released their first full length record Concrete Jungle on September 13, 2019. In January 2020, Jane N’ The Jungle had their single, “Little Blue” remixed by Grammy Award winning Producer/Engineer Chuck Alkazian (Pop Evil, Soundgarden, Tantric) at legendary Pearl Sound Studios (Asking Alexandria, Eminem, Filter). The remix is called “Little Blue (Eyes Cursing You)”. 

April 10, 2020 Jane N’ The Jungle released their new single “Animal,” also produced by Chuck Alkazian. 

Jane N’ The Jungle’s original music has been licensed on primetime Honda commercials in Oklahoma and Alabama. Concrete Jungle was funded in part by sponsorship with Ford Motor Company. The band has also received a global outreach with over 1 million streams on Spotify. 

We sat down recently with lead vocalist Jordan White for a short Q&A session (answered in third person) to learn a few more things about the band.

All superheroes and villains have an origin and a band is no different, minus the secret government experiments and radioactive spiders.  What’s the origin of Jane N’ The Jungle? 

Jordan White/Jane N’ The Jungle: Jane N’ The Jungle formed years after Jordan White and Brian Dellis started writing music and forming a garage band called Skyebrook in 2013. The garage band broke up and White moved to Los Angles in 2014 to create a new band which was also named Skyebrook.  Skyebrook terminated after performing many shows in Los Angeles and on the Sunset Strip.  White returned to Phoenix to connect with Dellis which would later create Jane N’ The Jungle. 

What’s in a band’s name? It can be a cool story or sometimes just a random name picked. What about Jane N’ The Jungle? 

Jane N’ The Jungle was a name given to the band after many comments of front woman, Jordan White referring her to shy and a plain Jane.  

People were surprised by her belt and stage presence which was a bit shocking from her quiet demeanor off stage.  

Audience members started telling her she reminded them of Jane from Tarzan and that’s how the name came to be. 

Some artists know exactly when they knew music was their path. For some, it was when they saw The Beatles on Ed Sullivan or heard a classic album that really moved them.  Do you remember when you were bitten by the music bug? 

Jordan believes she was born to live a musical life.  She had a speech impediment growing up and singing became more natural than speaking at the age of 2.  When she was 8 years old she had her first solo performance and had terrible stage fright turning bright red and shaking uncontrollably.  It took her many years to work past her stage fright with voice lessons, drama and choir.  After she conquered her biggest fear of singing on stage she knew she would want to do it forever. 

What would be the title of your autobiography? 

I Came To Entertain 

If you could play any character in any movie or television show, who would you want to be? 

Eponine from Les Miserable