Artist Spotlight is a segment that we started to introduce our listeners to some deserving up and coming artists/bands. They have made an impact on us for all of the right reasons. We think they kick ass and we hope you do too! Today we’d like to shine the spotlight on Florida rockers Kickstand Jenny!

Signed to Spectra Music Group in 2022, Kickstand Jenny is an alternative rock group based out of Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. With inspiration coming from all genres of music, from Van Halen to Prince, they have been inspired from all the good stuff, forming their diverse original music. Founder and guitarist Preston Morelock, from Johnson City, Tennessee is a self taught musician who’s played music since he was a child. He credits Van Halen’s “Eruption” as one of his earliest inspirations. Morelock played with multiple bands in previous years before moving to Florida and forming Kickstand Jenny. Fronting the band is the amazing vocalist, Scott Foster Harris, from Dallas, Texas. Foster Harris’s music career began in 2006 after sustaining an injury as a professional bull rider and moving to Nashville to start the band Zen Rizing, then to Los Angeles where he joined L.A. Guns. Bassist Chris Mcomas from Fort Walton Beach, Florida is also self taught, learning to play music at a young age. He started playing professionally in 2000 and credits Mötley Crüe as an early influence.

The band is known for their hard work and humble spirits, and the success of their music has allowed them to tear up the stages with some of their idols, including  Slaughter, Living Colour, Sebastian Bach, L.A. Guns and LIT.  

Kickstand Jenny recently released their concept album about the death and rebirth of a soul. The project is inspired by the “death of live music” caused by the pandemic, and the desire to march on and rise up like a phoenix. The album was recorded in Nashville, Tennessee with famed producer Chas Sandford, and was released on June 9th. One of the band’s idols, Mark Slaughter is featured on the track “Solo” which is one of many singles released, with commitments already in place for spins on multiple radio stations and Sirius/XM!

We sat down with Kickstand Jenny guitarist Preston Morelock for a short, but fun Q & A session! 

Every superhero or villain has an origin and a band is no different minus the radioactive spiders and secret government experiments. What is the origin of Kickstand Jenny?

Preston Morelock/Kickstand Jenny: This whole thing started out as a project meant for licensing deals and song demos.. I was working with my friend  (famed producer/songwriter) Chas Sandford at his studio in Nashville.. We started recruiting singers and musicians to demo some songs I had written during The Covid Pandemic,  and we were able to get Mark Slaughter (Slaughter), Scott Foster Harris (LA Guns) and others to perform on the tracks.. After hearing Scott’s voice, we decided to go after him.. I sent him four more tracks and asked him to join the band to make a full album.. After hearing the tracks, he decided that he wanted to be a part of it..  What started out as a simple project evolved into an amazing album full of great tunes.. And here we are.

Band names can have a meaning or it can be a name pulled out of a hat. What’s the story behind Kickstand Jenny?

The story behind the name is a great one, but unfortunately we have to keep it a secret for now.. haha.. We can tell you that it is based on real people and real events.

What are you currently working on? New Music? A tour? Anything to share with us?

We are currently setting up to tour.. Hopefully everything will be in place by the end of February.

We love cereal, especially at night. For some odd reason, it seems to taste better then. Do you have a favorite cereal?

Absolutely, hands down, the best cereal in the world is Fruity Pebbles.

What are your 5 favorite movies?

     5 – Big Trouble In Little China

     4 – Rocky 4

     3 – Gladiator

     2 – Shawshank Redemption

     1 – Forrest Gump

Connect with Kickstand Jenny online: 

Facebook Link

Instagram Link

You Tube Link to latest single