Artist Spotlight is a segment that we started to introduce our listeners to some deserving up and coming artists/ bands. They have made an impact on us for all of the right reasons. We think they kick ass and we hope you do too! Today, we’d like to shine the spotlight on Novacrow!

Forming late 2013, dark and delicious alternative metal band from Liverpool, England. Novacrow is formed of Kitty Staunton on lead vocals/ guitar, Federico “Freddy” Spera on bass/backing vocals and Jonyx on guitars/backing vocals. Infamous for their extremely high energy live sets, Novacrowdeliver wild stage shows, filthy riffs and soaring vocals. 2022 has seen Novacrow’s triumphant return from lockdown. They won Merseyside’s Metal to the Masses 2022, and have a brand new album ready to unleash, alongside recent appearances at Hard Rock Hell Ibiza, Liverpool Tattoo Convention and Bloodstock.

About the album

Following the successful EPs Black Syrup, Criminal Mastermind and Novacrow: Volume 1, their debut album Look At Me Now aims to showcase the best of Novacrow. Their eclectic sound combines a wild blend of genres, infused with horror influences and a touch of humour. Look At Me Now was written and recorded across lockdown. Despite the challenges, the band are extremely happy with the results and are excited to share it with the world.

We sat down with the band for a short, but fun Q&A session!

Every superhero or villain has an origin and a band is no different minus the radioactive spiders and secret government experiments. What is the origin of Novacrow?

Bold of you to assume we’re not part of a secret government experiment. On second thought, there’s no way this government could produce something as incredible as Novacrow. Ours is but a pretty standard origin story. Kitty wanted to start a band so she recruited Jonyx as her guitarist and a friend she knew from Wolverhapmton to play drums. That friend went to university with Freddy and asked him to play bass and that’s pretty much it.

Band names can have a meaning or it can be a name pulled out of a hat. What'sthe story behind Novacrow?

We pulled it out of a hat, except the hat was a dictionary. We just picked the two sexiest words we could think of and merged them together.

What are you currently working on?

We’re currently working on getting all the behind-the-scenes stuff together for our debut album Look At Me Now coming out on 30th of September! You can pre-order the album now over at , along with some sweet merch. We’re also in the middle of finishing up the music video for our third single off the album, hopefully we’ll be able to release it prior to the album coming out! (Editor’s Note: This interview was, obviously, done before the album’s release. It is currently available and you can get it on their website.)

We love cereal, especially at night. For some odd reason, it seems to taste better then. Do you have a favorite cereal?

I (Freddy) think I can confidently answer this question for everyone in the band. I’ve only ever seen Jonyx eat Coco Pops. Or at the very least that’s the one I’ve seen him eat the most. He also microwaves his cereal and never eats it cold, which I personally think is fucking crazy. I think Kitty used to have a different favourite, but since her dietary restrictions are now much more, uh….restricted, her current favourite is ASDA’s Free Form Rainbow Hoops.It’s one of the few cereals that she can eat without her stomach leaving her body, and apparently it tastes great. Finally, myself. I’m not allowed to buy cereal anymore because I WILL eat it all in one sitting. That said, it’s hard to pick a favourite because I always crave different types of cereal. That said, if I had to pick it would be either chocolate flavour corn flakes or that chocolate shell shaped cereal. The latter isn’t as common here in the UK but it’s a standard cereal type in Italy and it’s fantastic.

Cereal is very much like sex – even if it’s bad, it’s pretty great. And it’s great no matter what time of day it is.

If you have any tattoos, what was your very first one and does it have any meaning behind it?

My first tattoo was a bass clef I got on my shoulder when I was 17. The meaning behind it is that I liked (and still do) the bass. Since then I’ve gotten many other tattoos, and that’s about as much meaning as I put into them: “oh I like this thing/drawing, that would look cool as a tattoo”. People always want their tattoos to “mean something”, until they get their first tattoo and then they realise none of it matters and they can just get whatever the hell they want that they think looks cool.

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