Artist Spotlight is a segment that we started to introduce our listeners to some deserving up and coming artists/ bands. They have made an impact on us for all of the right reasons. We think they kick ass and we hope you do too! Today, we’d like to shine the spotlight on Skidders!

Skidders (aka Steve Skidmore) is an English guitarist who writes and records music in blues, rock and jazz genres. His motto “He can’t sing, but he can play the guitar”, whilst borders on reality, means most self-penned songs are instrumental allowing him to showcase his unique style and sound. This also ensures compositions are well suited to TV and Film ‘sync’ use. Projects and ventures are numerous and eclectic. He’s half of duo Bukechi, who were BBC Introducing’s Band of the Month (see article here…), played alongside Dexy’s Kevin Rowland and supported the likes of Midge Ure, Roger Chapman (Family), John Power (the La’s); The Feeling & Jon Gomm.

After completing his third album, Friends & Family Vol. 2 current work includes projects and session guitar for artists including Cotswold’s Andrew James and composer Kylolus. Although playing live has been put on the back burner somewhat during the Covid pandemic, sooner or later a new project will be conceived, so as live performances in addition to studio and sessions work can be resumed. 

We sat down with Skidders for a short, but fun Q&A session!

Every superhero or villain has an origin and a band is no different minus the radioactive spiders and secret government experiments. What is the origin of Skidders? 

Can I first please say, I am solo artist, producer Steve Skidmore, aka Skidders, rather than a band. So from where do I originate? J. R. R. Tolkien’s world of Middle-earth, Mordor is the realm and base of the evil Sauron. He based it on the Black Country from whence Steve Skidmore, aka Skidders, was bornand raised. The name dates back to the 1840’s during the Industrial Revolution and was named due to the smoke and general blackness of the area. Tolkien might have decided it was dark enough for Sauron, but us Black Country people are extremely proud of our heritage.

Band names can have a meaning or it can be a name pulled out of a hat. What’s the story behind (insert band name)?

Not much of a story I’m afraid. Firstly, can I just say, Skidders isn’t named after my under pants. Rather, it’s from my surname – Skidmore. My friends nicknamed me Skidders so I decided as a solo artist, that’s what I’d call myself rather than use my boring full name.

What are you currently working on? 

I don’t tour as a solo artist (yet). My solo work is all produced in my studio. So any gigs are done with other projects. My taste is very eclectic, as is my music and this is reflected in what I play live. For example, I have a duo with a fabulous female singer, Sammi Roberts and we use self-penned songs. Check Welcome to Suburbia by Bukechi out on Spotify etc. Also I perform with other bands than self-peen work, such as the Coventry band, Beneva. I have just released my third solo album in May and I am still busy promoting it. Friends & Family Vol. 2 is my favourite album thus far. Next I will start work on my fourth album “Feckem Hall” which will finally be aimed at me touring with. This is because I really can’t sing, so 95% of my compositions are instrumental. In addition to this, I don’t really limit my production methods, so my three albums to date are not particularly ‘gig friendly’ unless I was to draft in a considerable number of musicians. For example, ‘Masala Magic’ would require a Bhangra Orchestra! So ‘Feckem Hall’ will be produced with touring in mind and if there is any singing, I’ll draft someone in to save everyone’s ear drums.

What was the first CD/album that you bought and what was your most recent CD/album purchase?

“From me to You” by the Beatles- a 7” single. Then for a Christmas present, I had With the Beatles album. First CD I bought, I think was Chris Rea On the Beach or possibly August by Eric Clapton. So I don’t really buy CDs any more. I subscribe to Apple Music, so there’s not much point. I do have CDs of my albums for sale, but with most people subscribing to Spotify, Apple Music etc., there’s not much point in buying CDs anymore. Makes you think if USB albums will be useful to those who do not subscribe to a streaming platform, yet have still adopted digital music.

Are you a good cook? What’s your best dish to prepare?

I’m a frickin’ awesome cook. I can cook traditional Indian food as well as anything else you throw in front of me. Italian, Greek – you name it! I’m also very modest.If I had to do a dinner party, I’d start with aloo tikka and pakoras. Next butter chicken and beef vindaloo with homemade naan bread and rice. Then for dessert, I’d go of piste and do a treacle sponge pudding with home made custard.

Many thanks to I’m Music Magazine for letting me scribe this enjoyable narrative. And thanks to you all out there for taking the time to read it. Please do check out my site and or music on Spotify etc., and give it a shot. You might just like it!

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