Artist Spotlight is a segment that we started to introduce our listeners to some deserving up and coming artists/ bands. They have made an impact on us for all of the right reasons. We think they kick ass and we hope you do too! Today, we’d like to introduce you to the punk rock powerhouse duo Tarah Who?

Tarah Who? Well, “she” equals “they,” and “they’re” a power duo masterminded by grunge-punk sage Tarah G. Carpenter, a firebrand front-woman who channels explosive emotionality into rousing anthems. “I’m really sensitive to things that happen around me, and I love studying psychology and human behavior,” Tarah shares. “When I write, I seek to process personal stories and news stories through these perspectives, but in a way that’s relatable to everyone.” Tarah exudes a spiritual centeredness that is poetically aligned to the origins of her name. The name “Tara” in Buddhist lore refers to the “mother of liberation,” an apt archetypal reference for such a strong and shamanistic female artist. Tarah Who? recalls 1990s alt-rock and grunge’s tradition of balancing integrity with tuneful song-craft. Entries in the Tarah Who? oeuvre sit nicely alongside Alanis Morissette, Foo fighters, The Distillers, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and Spinerette. Tarah Who? is a in every sense of the phrase, bonded together by telepathic musical interplay and profound interpersonal connections. In addition to Tarah, drummer/backing vocalist Coralie Hervé. Previously, Tarah Who? has released two full-lengths, three EPs, and one single of raw punky rock n’ roll. The duo’s output has garnered plaudits and earned feature-story coverage from GIG Radar, Kill The Music, La Grosse Radio, Loud Stuff, Moshville, Music Connection, Muzak, and The Ring Master, among other outlets. It’s a remarkable feat for an unsigned band to make such waves in the biz, but Tarah Who?’s incendiary live shows and snarling sing-alongs are hard to ignore. Even alt-pop goddess Alanis Morissette’s guitarist Jason Orme has given a big stamp approval to the group, co-producing and playing guitar alongside Tarah on the recently released EP’s, Half Middle Child Syndrome,64 Women and the single to be released in November 2019 “Pantomath.” With a stable lineup, and a dynamic rhythm section that can effortlessly shift from scorched-earth rock to tender balladry, the duo is embarking on a halcyon era ushered in by its current EP, 64 Women.

“We dedicate this EP to the 64 women who were at the immigration detention center in downtown LA on November 19, 2014 with Tarah G. Carpenter.”

Tarah was born in France and began smashing away at the drums at just 14, ignoring those around her who suggested she try her hand at a more “ladylike” musical pursuit. Willful, and somewhat stubborn, she honed her chops, forged her own creative path, and branched out to bass, guitar, singing, songwriting, and producing (she produces the band’s music). After a fateful move to Los Angeles, Tarah made her solo debut as Tarah Who? at a warehouse party. It was a gig she found on Craigslist, and it proved to be the perfect opportunity to share the songs she had been writing privately. Up next, the duo will be promoting the new single, “Pantomath” and coming back from their tour, they will be working on a new EP.

The ladies of Tarah Who? are fired up, inspired, and tighter as friends and musicians. In closing, drummer Coralie Herve offers this final thought: “When I first met Tarah, it floored me how bold she is; I felt this exuberance and fire from her. It reminded me of why I play music in the first place.” 

We had a chance to sit down with these two talented ladies recently (socially distanced, six feet apart of course) for a fun Q&A session. 

All superheroes and villains have an origin and a band is no different, minus the secret government experiments and radioactive spiders.  What’s the origin of Tarah Who?

Tarah G. Carpenter/Tarah Who?: I started Tarah Who? in 2006 when I moved to LA.I was a solo artist going with my acoustic guitar to small shows and venues, trying to get my name out there. Then I made a demo of my songs, playing the drums and bass. I uploaded them on Myspace and a few months later, a sound engineer approached me with the intention of making those songs sound pro. We did the first album but it was a little too “pretty” for me. It was more pop Rock and I wanted something angrier sounding. I teamed up with a few musicians and producers, and over the years of working with different people, I finally found a team that works pretty well. Coralie and I sound like we are a lot more on stage. I think that is what catches people’s attention at first glance.

What’s in a band’s name? It can be a cool story or sometimes just a random name picked. I know that one half of the duo is Tarah G. Carpenter, so there’s the Tarah part, but what about the “Who?”

Tarah: lol! Yes well.. the name was a little bit of a random thing. I had a bunch of gigs lined up but no band name. I was getting popular as a singer-songwriter so when I had bandmates, I wanted it to be more like a band name rather than just my name. I came up with a bunch of band name ideas but they were all really bad. The subject of that email was “Tarah Who???” and everyone voted for that. So we went for it for those gigs, but then we got more and more… and 14 years later… I still didn’t come around to changing the name!

Some artists know exactly when they knew music was their path. For some, it was when they saw The Beatles on Ed Sullivan or heard a classic album that really moved them.  Do you remember  when you were bitten by the music bug?

Coralie Hervé/Tarah Who?: I began to play drums when I was 10, at first it was for fun but at the end of high school I took it more seriously and really wanted to do it as my job.

Tarah: I have always wanted to learn how to play the drums and the bass. My dad was not up for it, so I took 2 lessons (that s what I could afford at the time) and then got to go for 2 more until the teacher realized I didn’t t have any money. I taught myself the rest by playing in bands and over songs. 

I learned how to play the bass in a similar way, just by learning other people’s songs and playing in bands. The guitar and writing came later. I love to write music, over learning other people’s songs and that was what I have been doing since 14. 
It is a part of me and I never thought of it as a job. It is just a part of who I am and I have never questioned it. 

I remember my mom blasting the Pink Floyd, The Rolling Stones or Bon Jovi while cleaning the house, and I am pretty sure that this got me into liking those sounds. Playing was something I just decided to do on my own and if I don’t play, I feel really sad and miserable! 

Is there something in your music collection that might surprise even your most die-hard fans?

Coralie: I don’t know if it will surprise them but I really like movie soundtracks and musicals.

TGC: hehe! Probably! I do actually like country music a lot. I am also a big fan of Stevie Wonder, Jamiroquai etc…

If you could play any character in any movie or television show, who would you want to be?

Coralie: I think I will choose Arya Stark in Game of Thrones, she’s a badass !!!!!

Tarah: Milla Jovovich in Resident Evil! HANDS DOWN!!