Blues Traveler headlined this year’s Mayday Music Festival in Farmingdale, New York on May 13, 2023. The event took place at the Catholic Health Amphitheater at Bald Hill. Our Photographer Amanda Packey covered the event and had this to say: “The guy (in the pictures) with the orange guitar is Stanton Edward from The Wallflowers – He joined Blues Traveler on stage for a bit. I can’t really say how many songs because it turns out Blues Traveler does not really play individual songs. It felt more like an hour long jam session where they just keep going, but managed to shove in Run-Around” and “Hook in the middle of it. The only break between songs I remember is at one point they stopped for a minute so John Popper could video call his daughter Eloise, which was pretty funny. He showed her the crowd and said something like, “Daddy’s working right now. I’ll call you later.” 

Photos by I’m Music Magazine Photographer Amanda Packey