Blues Traveler played to an excited crowd at The Cameo Theater in Bristol, Virginia on October 12th, 2022 with support from Chris Barron of Spin Doctors. If the show wasn’t sold out, it was close to it. The small theater was packed and full of smiling faces. Before the show started, almost everyone was talking about their favorite Blues Traveler songs or recent concerts they’d been to. Even with the crowd, the unique venue made for one of the most intimate, personal shows I’ve ever had the pleasure of attending.

Chris Barron of Spin Doctors fame was the opening act. He came out onto the stage joking and smiling at everyone and kept up the energy throughout his set. He engaged with the crowd, frequently tossing out guitar picks, encouraging people to dance and sing along, and making sure the crowd had a great time. He sounded good and everyone eagerly responded, jumping up in the aisles and laughing along with him. A large portion of the people there likely didn’t know anything about Chris Barron, but when he closed out the show playing “Two Princes,” the energy level in the theater went wild! It was clear his act was a hit!

Each member of Blues Traveler took a minute to wave to the crowd when they came on stage. They also kept up the personal energy throughout, joking and interacting and continuing the special feeling of the show Chris Barron started. 

Blues Traveler sounded fantastic! Even when I focused on taking a photo, I felt myself smiling behind the camera because they were awesome! Almost everyone stood on their feet at times, dancing, singing, and having a wonderful night. The crowd went especially crazy singing when Blues Traveler played hits like “Runaround” and “Hook.” Their set was a mixture of new and old and was thoroughly enjoyable! They even came back for an encore amid a standing ovation. 

I hope to see both of these acts back in Bristol soon! 

Review & Pictures by I’m Music Magazine Photographer/Writer Jojo Key

Blues Traveler

Chris Barron of Spin Doctors