Eric Silverman Settles into His Future as A Solo Artist on his debut Rookie.

This isn’t bay area-based Silverman’s first stab at recording—he first made his mark as the guitarist and driving force behind San Francisco pop-rock band, HEARTWATCH. Now he’s bringing a new sound as a solo artist with his debut Rookie and its rootsy-rock vibe.

His songs are fresh and comforting. Lyrically timely and thought-provoking with just enough sarcasm to make you smirk as you sing along. There are upbeat, pop elements, retro grooves, and edgy jaunts. This singer/songwriter keeps his tunes tight and leaves you with plenty to chew on and think about.

The EP start off with the melodic and powerful opener “As My Country Drifted Away (I Got Stoned)” filled with harmony and sweet sarcasm. Incredible guitar riffs and powerful rhythms fill the title track “Rookie.” “Reno Nights” tells a tale with sweet arrangements and sounds, while out of nowhere “Losing Touch” kicks in with a funky retro feel. Stripped down and simple “Living In Your Mind” feels like the great songwriters of 1970’s.

The five song EP at times feels nostalgic but is also in an ever-present state of mind, and you can feel there is something heartfelt bubbling to the surface.

Silverman impresses with Rookie and shows his chops as a new, distinctive, impressive and strikingly focused talent with a bright future.  

I’m Music Magazine Guest Writer Jacy Ray

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