On October 17th, I’m Music Magazine was invited to cover the G4L Cancer Benefit show at The Eight Room in Nashville, TN. The event showcased the acoustic talents of John Corabi (Mötley Crüe, The Dead Daisies), Anthony Corder (Tora Tora) and Chris Blevins (13 South) and was hosted by the funniest guy in town Mark Gus Scott (Trixter). Markus, founder of G4L Records, created this event to honor Elizabeth Muller-Stach (In memoriam) and Chris Blevins who is currently battling cancer. The Eighth Room was a beautiful place to hold such an event as it feels like walking into a Sunset Strip club from the 80’s. The first act to go on was Chris Blevins, not only can the man sing but he knows the ends and out of guitars as well. I learned later in the night that he was John Corabi’s touring guitar tech. We talked for quite a while after the show and he even gave me a 13 South shirt and cd (currently wearing). Chris has been battling cancer since he was diagnosed in 2020 but says that playing music gives him the energy to keep moving. Up next on the stage was Anthony Corder from the band Tora Tora. Impressive, to say the least, as the man played his hits from each of the different eras of his music career. I enjoyed hearing his stories in between songs giving an insight to how certain ones were written. After Anthony’s set, the host Mark Gus Scott, believe me when I say this guy had the entire crowd eating from the palm of his hand with his charm and humor, came up on stage and auctioned off two beautiful Marvin guitars, which were autographed by Corabi and Corder. The first raised 300$ and the second was over 500$, with the money going to support an end of life trip/cancer related bills. John Corabi closed out the night with some explosive originals as well as a few covers that meant something to him as a kid playing in cover bands. Corabi, a vocal powerhouse, also kept the crowd entertained with his storytelling. One of the covers that stood out to me was “Drive” by The Cars. He said that when the song came out he wasn’t into the skinny neckties and the synths but some of the songs have grown on him over the years. If I had one word to describe his cover it would be Sultry with a capital S. When John finished he, Chris, and Anthony came out to the bar for a drink and to talk with everyone at the event. They stayed and took pictures with anyone that asked and the room was full of good cheer and vibes as the night winded down. Cancer is never a fun subject as it has taken so many people from our lives but to be able to get together to honor those that we’ve lost and raise some money to help those that are currently fighting it is very special and to get the chance to be apart of this event was certainly a high point in my life. G4L Records has some big plans in the works for future shows so please give them your support.  

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Review & Pix: I’m Music Magazine Photographer/Writer Kris Cagle