Supporting Wednesday 13 on his Murderdolls tour, Gemini Syndrome put on a stellar performance at Dingbatz in Clifton, New Jersey, on November 19th. First things first, Gemini Syndrome is my favorite band. I will take any chance to see them, even if it means being packed like sardines into a venue for a sold out show. It was well worth every elbow I took to the ribs. Aaron Nordstrom’s metal scream is top notch. Brian Steele Medina is a riot at the drums. Meegs Rascón is a guitar powerhouse. And Alessandro “AP” Paveri can slap a bass like no one’s business. Their set included both new and old songs, including “Primordial,” which I have been singing to myself ever since the show. It also included “IDK,” which is an interesting song for me because when it first came out, I wasn’t immediately sold on it. That said, I then saw Gemini Syndrome play it live, and all of a sudden it clicked. It’s now one of my favorites. For that reason, among many others, I highly recommend seeing them live and experiencing the music with them. You definitely will not be disappointed!
Review & Pix: I’m Music Magazine Photographer Amanda Packey