Hot Mulligan has been spending the entire month of July on the Sad Summer Music Festival which is headlined by Taking Back Sunday. This tour has been selling out venues all over the U.S. this summer. What do they do on their nights off? Well, they head out and headline their own shows of course! Who needs time off? Obviously not these guys who absolutely love what they do, and even more, love spending time with their fans!
We were excited to catch them on one such “night off” when Hot Mulligan hit up Cat’s Cradle in Carrboro, NC. Cat’s Cradle is a smaller and more intimate venue than they’d been playing, so obviously they packed it! This show sold out almost immediately after going on sale. When we got there that night more than an hour before doors were even set to open, the line of excited fans was already wrapped around the building! Everyone was excited to get inside for this show and immediately ran straight to the stage as soon as the doors did finally open.
Hot Mulligan brought along fellow Sad Summer Music Festival tour mates, Stand Atlantic and CLIFFDIVER. Both bands had no problems with getting the crowd good and rowdy in time for the headliner. When Hot Mulligan finally hit the stage, this place was steamy and this crowd had no intention of cooling down any time soon!
Hot Mulligan came out and dove straight into “Drink Milk and Run” which the band released on their latest acoustic EP in 2022. Vocalist Tades Sanville stopped to reminisce on the first date they ever played in North Carolina was at Yam Fest. He’s decided every NC show from here on out should obviously also be deemed “Yam Fest” and the crowd cheered. The band would play an incredible 15 song set, in between of course they’d stop for some jokes and interacting with the audience. These guys love to play and very clearly love hanging out with their fans. The guys ended the night on “I Fell In Love With Princess Peach” and I really didn’t see this crowd stop moving all night and they surely still had some voices left all the way til the end. What an incredible night start to finish!
I’m Music Magazine Photographer Daphne McKinney

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