In a continuation of my new year, new music exploration, I have discovered melodic metal from Far Beyond. They are a band out of Belgium that are thinking outside the boundaries of mainstream metal. Their album, Moment of Creation, is truly a creation with great potential. Make sure to check it out, it’s a wonderful listen that hits on so many levels, you won’t regret it! 

Can you tell us a bit about yourselves and how the band came together?

Maarten (guitar)/Far Beyond: Far Beyond is a band that arose out of past projects. The idea is that it’s a group of friends that played together in their teenage years. During the years people grew, people pursued other goals, or people simply outgrew the idea of playing on stage, or in a band. So we had to find other people to fill their shoes. We had some ups and downs. Initially the first album was written with three remaining members. When the album was nearly completed we found a ferocious heavy vocalist and an awesome post-metalcore bassist. And ultimately an incredible jazz drummer.   

Moment of Creation is your first full length album. What, or who, influenced and inspired you as the music was coming together for it? 

We all have different backgrounds. Every band member brings their own influences from past experiences. Mostly thrash metal, metalcore and hardcore. But also blues, southern rock and jazz… With Far Beyond we wanted to do something different without losing the roughness and edge in the music. We didn’t want to be a category-band but rather paint outside the lines of the typical metal. 

The lyrics tackle all sorts of trauma and how to overcome it all. The inner struggles of man. Good and bad. Music is some form of therapy for all of us. It helped us get through a lot. 

One song in particular caught my attention, “Challenger,” which incorporates the dialogue from Mission Control during the last Challenger shuttle mission. Showing my age a bit, but I clearly remember where I was when that happened, before you guys were born! 😂 What was your idea behind this song, and how does it fit into the narrative of the album?

Like the song “Afterworld,” this one takes us away from the earth in a way. On January 28, 1986, the Space Shuttle “Challenger” broke apart 73 seconds into its flight, killing all seven crew members aboard. A bit cynical but even when you follow your dreams it’s not always greeted with success. 

On your website I noticed a quote, and I feel it must be important to you. “The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion.” Where does that come from and how are you rising with the occasion?

The music industry is quite a bit different then it was when bands like Guns n roses, Metallica, Queen first started out. There are literally millions of great and awesome bands that will never even get heard! It is so easy to be bummed out about your music never hitting the big time! So be grateful where you are. We have accomplished something. We wrote an album! Not many people do that in their lives! We wrote an album with modern options such as plugins and home studios. But still we recorded an acoustic guitar in an alley at the guitarists place because there was a fun reverb! That is rising with the occasion. And if… we are given a great opportunity. We will be ready to shine at that moment. While still being grateful of the moments that lead to it. 

The Moment of Creation, is an amazing beginning for Far Beyond, and I see you are hitting up various venues for live shows in Belgium as well. What is next? 

Next up is getting The Moment Of Creation to as many potential fans as possible. Writing music is fun. Performing it live before an audience is a whole other level. People reacting to our music is very educational. So next up is definitely playing our album at as many occasions as possible! 

A way I like to let our readers learn a bit more about a band, is to do a segment called “3 for the Road”. Three random questions just for fun! Who was the first band / artist that totally blew you away when you saw them live?

While we all listen to different stuff. We do have one band we saw together that gave us the chills. Parkway Drive, live at graspop, with their first big co-headline show with flames and all special effects. We knew this band from their early years. And we saw the evolution from big circle pits in tents to this giant main stage festival show. That was an eye opener! 

If you were given a chance to anywhere in the world, all expenses paid, where would you go, and why?

A bit contradictory to the busy live of touring… But that would be the north! Sweden or Norway or something like that. Definitely nature before cities. 

Cats or dogs, or neither? 

Dogs! To be specific, dogues du Bordeaux and labradoodles. Words can not describe how much we love our pets! 

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions, and I hope you have a fantastic day!

Michele Hancock Photographer/Writer I’m Music Magazine