If not one of the hardest working indie bands, The Almas, certainly are in the top ten. Having released three albums since the group formed in 2016 with a fourth release scheduled for later in 2023 the band is not sitting around. They are out on the road almost non stop. They have released two singles this year from their upcoming EP along with videos for the singles plus they are one of the featured bands for the Rock The Valor cruise later in 2023. Their videos are racking up impressive view numbers demonstrating that rock music is not dead and is still appreciated by music listeners from around the globe. The group was kind enough to take some time during their busy tour to answer a few questions about their history, their upcoming EP and much more. 

How did the band get started, what is the origin of the band?

The Almas are from a small town called New Munster in Wisconsin, United States. The band was formed in 2016.The name The Almas is Spanish for ‘souls’. Frank, the founder of the band, was in another project and was struggling with his alcohol addiction. He left that band to sober up and re-find his “soul” in music, hence The Almas.

Members are as follows. Crystal Teigland – Lead Vocals, Frank Slifka – Lead Guitar, Josh Sukowski – Rhythm Guitar, Andrew Ehredt – Drums.

What is the band’s writing process?

As of recent times, we work very closely with Kile Odell, our producer.  On this current record we wrote all the songs in the studio from scratch. We have never done this type of writing in the past but I think this will be the standard from now. The pressure really forces the band to be creative and not over think the writing process. 

The group has released a self titled EP the albums Back to Bad in 2018 and Truth Sells in 2021 how has the group grown musically over the three releases?

Our sound with every release becomes more defined and refined. The new songs are not so bare boned like past recordings. There is more production with each record and that really has shaped the band’s current sound.

The newest single is “Cage.”  What is the story behind this song?

Cage is about being trapped with your addiction/vices and the secret love for those addictions. Cage was actually the very last song that we wrote on the newest EP.

Funny, in this short time since Cage’s release we released another song entitled “Burn Out.” I would totally check that out if you’re digging Cage.

I understand you are working on another EP The Almas II what can you tell us about the this EP?

The newest EP is actually 100% complete. We are just releasing singles from it currently. This EP is the culmination of years of trying to define The Almas’ sound. I really think we nailed it this time.

Anticipated release date?

The entire EP will be released in the fall of this year. We will be releasing most of the songs as singles.

The group has toured extensively in 2022 and again in 2023, talk about what it takes to put together a tour especially as an indie band.

Blind Anxiety Entertainment and MK Music have spent many hours taking the booking off our hands and making the routes possible for us. From our previous years in booking I know that landing gigs is hard enough, but the hardest part is stringing the shows together that makes the route financially feasible. Nowadays, a lot of work for touring is figuring out how we are gonna live on the road for months at a time. 

The group will be performing on the  Rock The Valor cruise October 30- Nov 4th how did that opportunity come about?

The man to thank would be Nolan Hodges, owner and manager of MK Music. He was the one who reached out and helped us land the gig.

You have played with Saliva and with the recent passing of Wayne Swinny, what memories do you have of performing with Wayne that you can share?

We performed with Saliva at the Whiskey A Go Go in Los Angeles, California, and I remember talking to Wayne about guitars, as guitarists do. He was very kind. He will be missed. 

Through all the ups and downs of being an indie band, touring and raising money to release new EPs or albums, what keeps the band motivated?

This is our dream and our life. I don’t think any of us know what to do if we weren’t doing this. I believe it’s that passion and love for the road that keeps us touring and writing music. 

Biggest highlight so far for the band since your creation in 2016?

I know for a fact the cruise will be the biggest highlight. Recently it has been hearing the fans sing your song at a show. There is nothing more fulfilling than that! 

What are some of the sacrifices the band has made to pursue this journey?

The lack of financial stability has really taken a toll on many of us. Honestly the biggest sacrifice is being away from family. Money can be regained. Time can never be.

Beyond the tours, what else can fans of The Almas look forward to during the rest of 2023?

New music for sure!! With every new single release there will be a music video to follow as well.  

Interview by I’m Music Magazine Writer Tim Board

 Connect with The Almas at their official website:  https://www.almastheband.com